What are you listening to.................RIGHT NOW!!!

Original line up.
Raw unaldulterated talent

Can you not feel the ambience
The electrical ambience
Feel free to leap off the stage
But do be careful !

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Article five
An attack on one member of our alliance is an attack on all of them.
Article 5 is at the basis of a fundamental principle of the North Atlantic Treaty Organisation.
As you all probably know it provides that if a NATO Ally is the victim of an armed attack, each and every other member of the Alliance will consider this act of violence as an armed attack against all members and will take the actions it deems necessary to assist the Ally attacked.
This is the principle of collective defence.

Respect to their fallen

And whilst on the theme of Francais I would like to play an amazing piece of music from across our amniotic pond

I have seen this fine play and it is immense !
My favourite track from this fine musical is Belle
Please do feel free to enjoy and imbibe upon it's musical ambience before you all trot off to work to keep the cogs of industry churning away.
Bless you all you industrious souls and see you all in eight hours.

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