Mr Ed (The Stables)
Well-Known Member
And it's cold, so cold so so cold on the edge of time
For your namesake my noble Mr Ed :
It honours me to invoke for your kind perusal the majestic Magnu
Magnu, horse with golden mane, I want your help yet once again,
Walk not the earth but fly through space as lightning flash or thunders race
Swift as the arrow from the bow, come to me so that no one can know.
Sunbeams are my shafts to kill all men who dare imagine ill,
Deceit that fears the light of day fly from the glory of my ray,
Good minds open and take new light until we diminish by the reign of night
A burning brand was seen to fall, it lit the darkness of the hall,
The flying hoofbeats circling in, come to me and let us spin.
I was honoured to be there on my own at 14 years of age with my bin liner full of hippie goodies and my tent from the mothers Gratton catalogue
I met many fine people and was taken under the wing of Lord Krishana for my food and fodder
It rained so hard on the Saturday night that the ground was a veritable quagmire of mud and lust.
These memories shall I take to the old folks home whilst dribbling surreptitiously down my five old man chins:
Absolutely fantastic. And I mean absolutely fantastic!!
I love Hawkwind when Lemmy was with them...."Lost Johnny's out there trying to get relief"