What class are city fans? Upper, Middle or Lower?


Well-Known Member
1 Feb 2006
Isle of Man
Me, I'm lower class. Why?
I live in a council house, I am unemployed and have no formal qualifications.

My son became ill and we ended up in hospital for a while, lost my job and savings, world turned upside down. Cannot get a job at 39yrs old and where I live there is no demand for a job I did for 12 years, very well.

And I am REALLY pissed off being called a RAG on here! Can you imagine, I mean a RAG?
I dont eat red foods, I won't buy a red car, I wouldn't use vodafone, the list is endless.

And NO I have not been drinking.
Although in a previous posts I have.
Working class but sit on level 3 so kind of upper level working class
Humanity can't be classed because they have same instints such as love,hate,fear,glad,sad,happy etc.

Class indicaters such as income,performance,career or royalty points are not tools for human being classification but for individual case.

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