What class are city fans? Upper, Middle or Lower?

I'm a " Who gives a F*** class!" This is the best class. Try it yourself in any situation and see instant results. What class are city fans? TOP CLASS
When I was in the Army there was a sign outside the church which said
I like to think it is the same at the Coms
All the surveys ever done on the income of Premier League fans by club indicate we're very much towards the lower end, which would imply working class.<br /><br />-- Sat Sep 18, 2010 8:11 am --<br /><br />
SteSteez said:
The class system is just a state of mind
So you'd say there's perfect equality of opportunity would you? That the circumstances you were born into in no way affect your outcome in life? Hope not because there's a mountain of evidence against that, Britain being particularly bad with respect to the rest of western Europe.
fruitcake8685 said:
Me, I'm lower class. Why?
I live in a council house, I am unemployed and have no formal qualifications.

My son became ill and we ended up in hospital for a while, lost my job and savings, world turned upside down. Cannot get a job at 39yrs old and where I live there is no demand for a job I did for 12 years, very well.

And I am REALLY pissed off being called a RAG on here! Can you imagine, I mean a RAG?
I dont eat red foods, I won't buy a red car, I wouldn't use vodafone, the list is endless.

And NO I have not been drinking.
Although in a previous posts I have.
i get called a rag on here as well mate,i think that obviously there is a bit of a secret handshake society on here and if you don`t have more than 1000 posts you`re automatically classed as a rag. A bit sad in my eyes but hey some people live on their pc 24/7...i was
lower class but since moving to cheshire i have gone very upper class :)
I believe in a classless society so I would have to say that I am none of the above. However, I would suggest that we all do things and/or act in a way which would 'put us into' at least more than 1 of the classes.

Skashion said:
All the surveys ever done on the income of Premier League fans by club indicate we're very much towards the lower end, which would imply working class.

-- Sat Sep 18, 2010 8:11 am --

SteSteez said:
The class system is just a state of mind
So you'd say there's perfect equality of opportunity would you? That the circumstances you were born into in no way affect your outcome in life? Hope not because there's a mountain of evidence against that, Britain being particularly bad with respect to the rest of western Europe.

Maybe yes, but there are plenty of people from 'lower' backgrounds who go on to be much more sucessful in life than someone from a much more affluent background.
bellbuzzer said:
upper clarse royalty and descendants of slave traders

middle clarse company car and wears a tie for work,sits on bought furniture

lower class used to be working class but no work due to the above

manchester was founded on cotton and heavy engineering so inevitably predominantly lower class

This is not correct in my view. Way too simplistic. I wear a tie and drive a company car, but also work 50-60 hour weeks. I am as working class as anyone. Never went to uni. Left school with very mediocre results, but have just knuckled down and worked hard. For the record, most of my furniture is second hand, although that is mainly due to new furniture being shite. Even my arm chairs are second hand and I live in that antiques place in Levenshulme. My definition of middle class is the graduate that has walked into a high end 100k+ medical or banking job, and the upper classes are your fat cat blue chip company bosses like the prick that runs Tesco.

Anybody earning less than 100k per year odd is just working class. Anyone that chooses to live off the state and survive on dole is what I wood deem self inflicted lower class, but perversely, a lot of these slobs earn like the working classes. This is pathetic and a nasty hangover from a socialist government.

I have always noticed an honesty about City fans. I still see it as a working class club.

The Rags however are different. A lot of pushing this club to the corporate arena has had the knock on effect of creating a lot of plastic fans. I travel a lot around the country and meet m lot of people that deem themselves rags cause they went on a corporate jolly in 2005. I also know a lot of companies that hold rag season tickets for entertaining but imagine the fact that that they now cannot sell then all, is due to these plastic company bosses not bothering renewing add they know the glory days are behind then and corporate entertaining us likely to be less fun and more subdued. I envisage a time soon when the rags will be less plastic than it is now, and the working class Manc's that got priced out of their own club in favour of the plastic middle classes - may return? Although, if they have any morality, they will show them the middle finger.
first class. nowadays, working class is no longer at the bottom. below us is the lower class. those chavvy scumbags like my next-door-but-ones, who've never done a day's work in their lives. city fans are working class with a sprinkling of middle and a dash of upper.

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