What do you love most about Bluemoon ?

That there’s so many epidemiologists, submarine engineers and Russian foreign policy experts all on a football forum!

It’s amazing really, one hell of a coincidence.
I was in a local once and witnessed a passionate (Guinness- fuelled) debate on space station docking procedures ! You couldn’t make it up…fucking hilarious.
The neighbours were broken into last night and now I can’t sleep Bluemoon is some thing to do until daybreak Whenever I find sleeping difficult this is where I come. Think I’ll read the Alien thread tonight it might be fun.
The lifestyle/retirement thread got me thinking about this over my morning cup (or 3) of Aldi plunger coffee..
As well of course as the insane match threads, and news about City...

I mentioned 4 months recuperating after heart surgery quite a few years ago now....and there's no escaping it, heart surgery affects you emotionally big time. It just does, doctors don't know why.....I had downs and also moments of sheer happiness. But during the downs I would frequently come on here and it would take away these negative feelings. I will always be grateful to BM for that, it really helped chatting and laughing at daft shit sometimes at 4 am.
I always regard myself as a Manchester lad, born and bred and I fucking love the humour on here, it really is second to non.....(eg. @Mad Eyed Screamer and that fucking, probably fake, eggheads photo).... It's a wonderful place to escape whatever shite is affecting you....

Cheers everybody and cheers Ric for creating this island of cunts :)
We've won the treble since you wrote this message Bill :) Good luck with your health going forward blue. CTWFD.

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