Story of Rags spitting cake!
Picture the scene... another day in the office, but no ordinary day, it's my birthday! But no fucker has remembered. The place is a mix of Blues (just me), Rags (mainly from London & Ireland) and a Red Bin-Dipper (70's glory hunter). You could say it's Dirty Rag infested. Occasionally the birthday boy/girl will buy cakes for the staff (should be the other way round surely?). Anyway, lunchtime arrives so I pop out and return with a sandwich for myself and cakes for the crew.
"The cake is on me!" I exclaim as I produced the box of delights.
Barely have I finished my sentence and the pack descend on the boxed assortments in search of their favourite (Vanilla Slice seems popular, as is the Apple Danish).
"errrrr...... happy birthday, lovely cake!" they cry whilst chomping on cream, fruit and pastry.
"Thanks, I'm glad you enjoy, especially the Swamp Dwellers among us".
"The cake you eat is a celebration of the recent annihilation, not my birthday, suckers!".
"Eh!?", then it dawned on them. The Rags had fallen into my trap. In their haste to savour the delights of my box (ooooh eeeer missus!) they had failed to read the message written on it. And so the Dirty Rags had therefore embraced its sentiment! The message simply read...
Cue some spitting! Happy days.