What is Actually in Irn Bru?


Well-Known Member
10 Jan 2012
It was banned in the US because they wouldn't reveal the secret recipe.. so does anyone know they are so secretive about it?
I love the taste of it so I'm hoping it isn't anything dangerous.
It's Tango mixed with Pepsi and Dr Pepper.

Let me just get the door.,,,,ahhhh....thud
It was banned in the US because they wouldn't reveal the secret recipe.. so does anyone know they are so secretive about it?

I don't believe that.

I am not aware Coke's recipe is a matter of public record but it isn't banned.

Irn Bru was banned in Canada because it contains Ponceau 4R, a colouring banned in Canada.

Clearly not a secret recipe if they knew what the colouring was!

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