What is it?


Well-Known Member
28 Sep 2008
An insect about 2cm long and thin.Winged.It has a sting type thing about 7mm long.I had never seen one before untill about 5 days ago.Now we have had 3 in our house.Now here is the thing about it.When you try to catch it or attack it,it gives off a really heavy smell simillar to "fly killer".It is enough gas to fill the room with the smell and is really strong.I killed the last one as I haven;t a clue what this smell is or wether this thing stings or bites.The colour of it is black.Any one?
Cellar or Churchyard Beetles - Blaps species (Family Tenebrionidae)
These large beetles are entirely dull black in colour, with a distinctive tail-like extention of the wing-cases (body 20-30 mm long). They live in dark places in and around houses and other buildings, typically in kitchens, cellars, sheds, stables and barns, but may also occur in roof spaces where birds have been nesting. The beetles feed on any spilled or waste animal and vegetable matter, including badly stored grain, bran and other cereal products. When disturbed, these beetles have the interesting habit of adopting a sort of 'headstand', by extending the hind-legs and pushing against the ground, so tilting the whole body with tail-end upwards. If the disturbance continues, they can squirt a smelly, yellowish-brown fluid from the raised tip of the abdomen, sometimes to a distance of several centimeters. This fluid contains quinones, which are powerful skin irritants and provide the beetles with an effective defence mechanism to repel would-be predators.

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You sure your not just shitting your pants everytime you try to kill it? only joking

That link posted reminded me to have a look for some strange wasp type thing I found dead on the window the other day.

Does it look like this?

From searching google its called a Bethylid wasp, and it apparently releases a smell when squished
juslikewatchinbrazil said:
Cellar or Churchyard Beetles - Blaps species (Family Tenebrionidae)
These large beetles are entirely dull black in colour, with a distinctive tail-like extention of the wing-cases (body 20-30 mm long). They live in dark places in and around houses and other buildings, typically in kitchens, cellars, sheds, stables and barns, but may also occur in roof spaces where birds have been nesting. The beetles feed on any spilled or waste animal and vegetable matter, including badly stored grain, bran and other cereal products. When disturbed, these beetles have the interesting habit of adopting a sort of 'headstand', by extending the hind-legs and pushing against the ground, so tilting the whole body with tail-end upwards. If the disturbance continues, they can squirt a smelly, yellowish-brown fluid from the raised tip of the abdomen, sometimes to a distance of several centimeters. This fluid contains quinones, which are powerful skin irritants and provide the beetles with an effective defence mechanism to repel would-be predators.

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cheers,I googled that but it;s not the one.The wood wasp still looks closer.And that fly killer type smell,with no visual liquid,is unreal,just smells like its come out of a can.
Found one of these Giant wood wasps the other day it was fookin huge, the 'sting' is not in fact a sting its where the eggs come from and they are harmless apparently! It didn't give of any smell when caught though?
mcfc_ms said:
You sure your not just shitting your pants everytime you try to kill it? only joking

That link posted reminded me to have a look for some strange wasp type thing I found dead on the window the other day.

Does it look like this?

From searching google its called a Bethylid wasp, and it apparently releases a smell when squished
Yes,thats it.The legs were a bit more yellowish.You only had to go near it,for it to give off a smell.No nead to squash it,so it wasn;t like its guts smelleing when crushed.It definateley was something it sprayed.Arr nearly it.Just noticed a long sting missing.Its a cross between this and the woodwasp.
Eddie said:
Sounds like a hornet.
No i;ve seen them.This looks like the picture above but with a 7mm to 1 cm sting/tail//and that pong it gives off f@ck it;s unreal.Smells just like fly spray.

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