What more can we do?

I find the timing of this a little odd,the morning after going joint top of the league!

Who can afford him in South America?
The fee we would want would be massive,there's only a hand full of clubs in football who could pay that sort of money.Unfortunately for Tevez non are in South America.
I don't think that the club could possibly do more to help Carlos than they currently do. He seems to have an issue with people who are not Mark Hughes.
Doesn't seem to like any authority that he does not personally respect.
If this is the end of Carlos at City, thanks for your time but not even you are bigger than our club and if you don't like it well tough. You signed the contract, lots of people on here work for bosses that we can't stand, you just buckle down and get on with it, it's not as if you have to live with the guy 24/7.
The team is finally gelling and we are equal top of the table and you, you selfish fecker have just thrown a hand grenade into the dressing room. Thanks for that, make no mistake Tevez if he goes will be severely missed but really you can't have one guy dictating what goes on unless he is the manager.

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