What puts you off a woman?

elmarto88 said:
I genuinly enjoy my girlfriends company but there is one thing that winds me up. No matter if she has just slapped my mum in the face i have to appologise first! When i do something wrong i appologise. When she does something wrong i appologise, i just can't win.!!!! Anyone else have the same problem?

I think what you're missing there is...
a pair of bollocks.....!!!

Are you hen-pecked or something?
gagiesotherhalf said:
elmarto88 said:
I genuinly enjoy my girlfriends company but there is one thing that winds me up. No matter if she has just slapped my mum in the face i have to appologise first! When i do something wrong i appologise. When she does something wrong i appologise, i just can't win.!!!! Anyone else have the same problem?

I think what you're missing there is...
a pair of bollocks.....!!!

Are you hen-pecked or something?

Know what you mean elmarto88 sometimes its easy to apologise even if she wrong just for an easy life!! Otherwise world war 111 breaks out!!
stony said:
bluemoonchick said:
lol great imagination - i'm sorry i can't live up to your expectations.....

I'm just a city shirt and jeans type of girls, no jewellery, no dolphins....

Don't put yourself down!

My expectations are very low................they have to be these days.

lol i know what you mean!!!
der-bomber said:
locoblu said:
Swearing women as well, thats pretty common too, unless they drop a pan on their foot or something then its ok to say `ohhhhh shiiiiitttttt ouch`

A Woman swearing can be quite a turn on. l find it horny when a demure ,well groomed , well dressed, vivacious young lady slips the odd strategic 'fuck' or 'fucking' into the conversation to highlight and emphasize a point.

They normally turn out to be goers as well...
You know Bomber I had`nt thought about that to well had I, your right, and I have the pleasure of a well groomed lady etc and the odd grunted swear word DOES slip through her lips ! but in general conversation I find it off putting.
Track marks
A crack pipe
Showing up on a date with her pimp
Being a policewoman
Genital warts
Ginger hair
No hair
Incontinence pads
Tena lady ultra
If I own porn cd's she stars in
If I don't own porn cd's she stars in
If I have nailed her mum
If I have nailed her gran
If she follows through on a first date
If she drinks meths
If she drinks methadone
Wrighty Wrexham said:
gagiesotherhalf said:
I think what you're missing there is...
a pair of bollocks.....!!!

Are you hen-pecked or something?

Know what you mean elmarto88 sometimes its easy to apologise even if she wrong just for an easy life!! Otherwise world war 111 breaks out!!


And in response to the hen pecking question i am at times but i am the only when i want something!!!

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