What time we're you allowed to play out til...

whoa...I was alowed out on the same side of the road as my house, never after dark, or in the rain, wearing a illuminous orange hat, (trendy these days) and a cow bell attached to my coat. All the neighbours knew who to look out for so all the kids were safe. Anal? perhaps...but those were the days when you had to play dog sh1t dodge, and some where white! now thats challanged at least 50% of you
i stayed out generally until my mum got peeved and had to shout up and down the street for me, probably about 9pm.

we used to play all the usuals mentioned on here, but we also played a footy game called 60 seconds, this involved the goalkeeper counting up to 60 seconds and in that time you had to score a goal by either a header or volley. once the 60 seconds were up whoever had the ball was in nets, and away we went again. very good game.

i forgot to mention that if you did score then the keeper had to start from zero again!
Didn't really have times to be in, but games we played were obviously "Wall-y" not as in Where's Wally but kicking the ball against the wall on a particular part and you had to hit that part.

Also played "Kingy" in which you used a tennis ball, you gatherd round in a circle dropped the ball in and whoever's legs it went through was "On" then they had to pick the ball up and chuck it at someone and whoever it hit was "On" and so it went on.
allowed out until 9 from 1st year at senior school then half hour added every year
or until the dibble brought us home, whichever was the later.
Paul Urmston said:
Kick can kettle was our main one. Basically involved belting a football or some kickable object as far as you could up our street. The person that was "on" legged it and when it was back on the spot he could go looking for you. Aim of the game return to the kick spot without being caught.

Another classic was garden hopping. We had a cul-desac on our street and the ones who made it round all the back gardens of the cul-de-sac and back onto the main street were champions!

As for what times we were aloud out till....cant remember on school nights but weekends was till mam and dad were in bed!

Reebok Classics were the trainers for the cool kids back in the day round our end!
Yeah that's similar to 40-40/40 bunks. Only difference is the person who was 'on' had to close his eyes, face the lamp-post and count to 40. Quality game.
Paul Urmston said:
Kick can kettle was our main one. Basically involved belting a football or some kickable object as far as you could up our street. The person that was "on" legged it and when it was back on the spot he could go looking for you. Aim of the game return to the kick spot without being caught.

Another classic was garden hopping. We had a cul-desac on our street and the ones who made it round all the back gardens of the cul-de-sac and back onto the main street were champions!

As for what times we were aloud out till....cant remember on school nights but weekends was till mam and dad were in bed!

Reebok Classics were the trainers for the cool kids back in the day round our end!

Still the bees knees for scousers
mcmanus said:
Paul Urmston said:
Kick can kettle was our main one. Basically involved belting a football or some kickable object as far as you could up our street. The person that was "on" legged it and when it was back on the spot he could go looking for you. Aim of the game return to the kick spot without being caught.

Another classic was garden hopping. We had a cul-desac on our street and the ones who made it round all the back gardens of the cul-de-sac and back onto the main street were champions!

As for what times we were aloud out till....cant remember on school nights but weekends was till mam and dad were in bed!

Reebok Classics were the trainers for the cool kids back in the day round our end!

Still the bees knees for scousers
Nike Air Max were pretty cool back in the day aswell.

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