What's happening at FC United?

Mad Eyed Screamer said:
BlueMoon_1987 said:
Urgh. My ex-girlfriend is one of those idiots who are in favour of the stadium being built and come knocking on your door handing out leaflets and shit. I wouldn't mind, but she didn't show one bit of interest in football before she became all community orientated. She clearly hasn't got a bloody clue though 'cos the Moston I know don't want the bastard thing.

There are one or two local people in Moston who have latched onto this for their own agendas...... to raise their own profile in the local political field.....

I had a women knocking on my door about 2 months ago, clearly not an FCUM fan as one of the first things I asked her (after she asked me why was I against the proposal) was ''what was FCUM's score on Saturday'' and she said she didn't know. I told her.
I then asked her if she felt it was acceptable for the planned astroturf pitch to be in use 6 nights a week, up until 10pm with the floodlights on, directly behind the old folks home. At this point she appeared unsettled as she clearly didnt know and informed me that she would ''check that out with FCUM as I'm not aware of that''...... and said her goodbyes.

In fairness to her, she's started going to the matches on a Saturday but she still hasn't got a clue. She's just latched on because she's bored and just back from uni so I'll give her a couple of months before she comes across another cause to flag-wave for. There are too many arguments against the proposals, yet the proponents are still managing to get plans rushed through.

I'm in complete agreement with you over personal agendas though, but I don't understand why. Local politics isn't exactly renowned for being a cash cow or a base for grander things. Most of them are old, bitter bastards who couldn't cut it as MPs in my experience.
BlueMoon_1987 said:
Mad Eyed Screamer said:
BlueMoon_1987 said:
Urgh. My ex-girlfriend is one of those idiots who are in favour of the stadium being built and come knocking on your door handing out leaflets and shit. I wouldn't mind, but she didn't show one bit of interest in football before she became all community orientated. She clearly hasn't got a bloody clue though 'cos the Moston I know don't want the bastard thing.

There are one or two local people in Moston who have latched onto this for their own agendas...... to raise their own profile in the local political field.....

I had a women knocking on my door about 2 months ago, clearly not an FCUM fan as one of the first things I asked her (after she asked me why was I against the proposal) was ''what was FCUM's score on Saturday'' and she said she didn't know. I told her.
I then asked her if she felt it was acceptable for the planned astroturf pitch to be in use 6 nights a week, up until 10pm with the floodlights on, directly behind the old folks home. At this point she appeared unsettled as she clearly didnt know and informed me that she would ''check that out with FCUM as I'm not aware of that''...... and said her goodbyes.

In fairness to her, she's started going to the matches on a Saturday but she still hasn't got a clue. She's just latched on because she's bored and just back from uni so I'll give her a couple of months before she comes across another cause to flag-wave for. There are too many arguments against the proposals, yet the proponents are still managing to get plans rushed through.

I'm in complete agreement with you over personal agendas though, but I don't understand why. Local politics isn't exactly renowned for being a cash cow or a base for grander things. Most of them are old, bitter bastards who couldn't cut it as MPs in my experience.

There's a lot of stuff I havent been happy with - those against the proposals have been referred to by those for it as the ''Keep Moston Down'' campaign. Anytime we say anything they reply ''why do you want to keep Moston down?'' and go on about the community work etc etc.
Anytime they mention the proposal, all they mention is the community work - ''This Will Be Good For Moston'' - it's as if they have been brainwashed into not saying anything about a 5,000 capacity stadium (which I have recently found out is now a 5,800 capacity!!) being built on a green and covenanted land. It's as if the stadium is secondary to everything else, when it is the FIRST consideration in their minds.
YES I want activities for young people in the area and facilities for local people to use. We simply do not have to have a football stadium in a totally inappropriate position, in order to have effective youth projects in the area!
Computer suites?? Try the two local libraries.
After school clubs? Try the local schools (or one of the libraries)

As mentioned before, first and foremost this stadium will be good for FCUM. They just wont admit that..... it's as if they actually believe we should be grateful they want to be in Moston and that they are doing us a favour and they cannot understand why we havent welcomed them with open arms......
Fc Utd the biggest farce going claim not to sing anti city songs...funny I take in a fair few chester games and 3 games at the exacta stadium (2 friendlies 1 league game) 3 times anti city songs. The fans have complete disregard for stadium safety rules standing at the front of the seated area acting like big time morons. The average crowd trend there tells you something people are losing interest because of the idiots but there again as they sang in all the games "we're utd we do what we want" keep doing it boys.
Three local councillors in Moston - one (Henry Cooper) against the proposal, 2 (Paul Murphy and Rita Tavenor) for it.

FCUM's manager is employed by The Manchester College as Head of coaching. FCUM are in partnership with the Manchester College on a couple of footballing projects with their students.

The Principal of Manchester College is called Peter Tavenor.

As mentioned, one local councillor who is for the proposal - Rita Tavenor - is married to a 'Peter' Tavenor.

Is this all too much of a connection or totally unrelated??????
Just had a stroll through Broadhurst park. A beautiful enclave from the demands of the world. The way the trees flutter with such insouciance, slave to the vicissitudes of the wind, goes beyond making me think 'what's the point?' and into the realm of 'there must be a point'. Get the most of it while you can before they demolish it; in it's place, a big fuck-off car park.
nashark said:
Just had a stroll through Broadhurst park. A beautiful enclave from the demands of the world. The way the trees flutter with such insouciance, slave to the vicissitudes of the wind, goes beyond making me think 'what's the point?' and into the realm of 'there must be a point'. Get the most of it while you can before they demolish it; in it's place, a big fuck-off car park.

There are bats in the clough and they forage the field each night for food and use it for their flight path into the clough. We've had bat experts in the field for 3 consecutive nights.
Now the field will not only have a football stadium on it at the top end (with noise and floodlights for the night games they have) but there will be an artificial pitch with floodlights on there 6 nights a week until 10pm. The bats (and other wildlife) will be effected by this whole development. The whole thing is just totally inappropriate on that site.
Councillors Murphy and Tavenor and Manchester city council should hang their heads in shame for supporting the proposal against the majority of LOCAL residents (yes, a decent number of Mostonians are for it, if you believe what FCUM say), but not those living directly opposite the field and who will be badly effected in so many ways.
Many of them bought their property in the belief that the land had a covenant on it (it does!!!!) and therefore would be living opposite a green space for years to come, for them and their kids to enjoy.......
<a class="postlink" href="http://menmedia.co.uk/manchestereveningnews/news/s/1462532_fc-uniteds-35m-stadium-in-moston-set-for-green-light" onclick="window.open(this.href);return false;">http://menmedia.co.uk/manchesterevening ... reen-light</a>
lou597 said:

Posted by a Splitter Rag ^^^

Absolute disgrace........... whoever leaked this to the MEN a week before the planning meeting takes place needs sacking.

The only two saving graces are there is a right of appeal and the other being the Splitters haven't got all the money yet.

This aint over yet.
Mad Eyed Screamer said:
lou597 said:

Posted by a Splitter Rag ^^^

Absolute disgrace........... whoever leaked this to the MEN a week before the planning meeting takes place needs sacking.

The only two saving graces are there is a right of appeal and the other being the Splitters haven't got all the money yet.

This aint over yet.
The comments make interesting reading the one that mentions "crowd of over 3,000 last game"....yes only because Chester took well over 1400 crowds are falling it will be a 3.5 million white elephant

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