When and why did football become so tribal?

Interestingly any reference to Munich was considered off limits as the overriding perception at the time as it was considered a disaster for the city as a whole rather than just one club.

Which, by the way, it was. As our behaviour at the Munich memorial derby indicated very clearly.
This and only this, football IS rivalry its very pumping heart.

There used to be a direct link between Protestant and Catholic clubs in cities, the rags were Catholic and we were protestant many many moons ago, if you look across the border at the two teams that still haven't evolved you can see the wrong side of tribal rivalry right there.
Which is what he brought with him as he knew no better
Seems weird now but in the 80s I always wanted Forest, Villa and Liverpool to win the European Cup. Sounds a bit insensitive but I was even a bit annoyed that the Heysel final was fixed as it ended the English run of seven years on the trot.

Not quite sure when or why that changed but now I want them all to get beat. Even teams like Chelsea and Arsenal who I have no particular animosity towards.

I’ll be pleased for West Ham if they win their final though. And would have liked Fulham and Middlesbrough to win when they made finals.
Don't think Hysel was fixed for that reason.More than likely that Uefa could not stand by and let a bunch of murdering thugs be seen to be winning..as an aside the game should not have taken place but for the same reasons that I have already stated....it did
In my opinion the 1970s when the rags thought they could be hard by invading Norwich etc while dressed as a Bay City Roller the fucking cocks.
Remember going to one or two derbies in the early days when there were rags dotted around all over the Kippax. Wearing their colours, too. Don't remember seeing any mither, particularly, but maybe wasn't looking for it.
saw a blue get punched from behind real snyde dig 1969 /70 derby I think it was.I was 9 or 10 yrs old .happened on the way out behind the kippax / scoreboard end .fully aware then what was going on with them twats
Seems weird now but in the 80s I always wanted Forest, Villa and Liverpool to win the European Cup. Sounds a bit insensitive but I was even a bit annoyed that the Heysel final was fixed as it ended the English run of seven years on the trot.

Not quite sure when or why that changed but now I want them all to get beat. Even teams like Chelsea and Arsenal who I have no particular animosity towards.

I’ll be pleased for West Ham if they win their final though. And would have liked Fulham and Middlesbrough to win when they made finals.

I remember being downright pleased for Forest. Clough was clearly doing something extraordinary there. Villa and Liverpool I had no particular opinion about, but certainly didn't feel any animosity. Wanted Leeds to beat Bayern in the mid-seventies, I remember. And yes, I will admit to wanting United to beat Benfica in ’68. People generally supported an English team I think. That's gone for good.
Funnily enough, I'm pretty sure there's less actual fighting than back in the day, but a far more poisonous atmosphere. Social media, and all the dickheads who are on them, bear a lot of responsibility. I also don't think it helps having all these so-called pundits around who are in fact thinly disguised cheerleaders for their own former club.
We hated Utd long before Ferguson

(and Liverpool, Leeds, Chelsea, Spurs, Everton, etc etc)
Yep. I can remember going to Maine Road as a young nipper and no big problems between rival fans. Around the mid-sixties large groups of younger fans started gathering, waving flags, singing and chanting…the Kippax, Stretford End, Kop etc and these gangs started knocking the fuck out of each other. No segregation, no stewards and few police. Some big fights would break out on the terraces…bottles, darts and sharpened coins flying. There was a cult of stealing scarves from opposition fans and you’d see kids wearing combat jackets with different teams scarves tied on at the shoulders as trophies. This all seemed to start around 1967/68 and rapidly took off. I remember City playing United at cricket in 68 or 69 and there was a complete riot and the game abandoned. Massive fights after we beat them 4-0 at Maine Road (69) when they emptied out of the scoreboard end, came up the Kippax steps in big numbers, and got chased out all the way to Wilmslow Road. Going into the seventies it got worse and become more organised. I think press and media coverage actually made it more fashionable.

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