When is it the correct time to put a Dog to sleep

I hate seeing these type of threads as there is no right answer ever. I let one of mine go to sleep on the operating table as when they went in they found a bit of a mess and gave maybe 3 months but for who’s benefit? They held her under and I went and sent goodbye properly.

When they go they leave a massive hole and we have a new loon but blimey do we still miss our Gemma.

Be led by the vet they know what’s what.
Christ...not sure if it's my current emotional state but this thread has me welling up.
We got a lab over 4 years ago for my daughter (autistic). I couldn't go near dogs. Allergic and the complete antithesis of a dog lover. Missed the first months as a puppy I was so averse to the idea (I'm a bit of neat freak too...well...was).
Wouldn't have batted an eye lid if she went missing.

Roll on four odd years and she's on the of the best things that ever came into my lift (kids aside).
I no longer with the kids but take her out for a long evening walk (often two hours)....at least I did until Covid hit me.
She climbed into my soul and unravelled all my idiosyncrasies and rebuilt me as a better, more open person.
The amount of 'human friends' I've made through walking her is incredible.

She's not particularly tactile and sees cuddling as alien but she's softened as she's matured. I often give her the biggest hugs.
She has dysplasia in all her limbs (noted before she was one) and was limping for months. We were told she'd have to be put to sleep within a few months (when she was one) but with the help of a vet we managed her recovery and since then (no operations btw) she's been fine.

I absolutely dread the day her time comes to depart her mortal, canine coil....

Would love my own actually, but I'm not allowed animals in this flat.
Plan is to buy next year and get my own mutt (but how would one replace the family lab...)
Last year would've been a lot more manageable with a dog as company.

Wish you all the best with this mate.
Christ...not sure if it's my current emotional state but this thread has me welling up.
We got a lab over 4 years ago for my daughter (autistic). I couldn't go near dogs. Allergic and the complete antithesis of a dog lover. Missed the first months as a puppy I was so averse to the idea (I'm a bit of neat freak too...well...was).
Wouldn't have batted an eye lid if she went missing.

Roll on four odd years and she's on the of the best things that ever came into my lift (kids aside).
I no longer with the kids but take her out for a long evening walk (often two hours)....at least I did until Covid hit me.
She climbed into my soul and unravelled all my idiosyncrasies and rebuilt me as a better, more open person.
The amount of 'human friends' I've made through walking her is incredible.

She's not particularly tactile and sees cuddling as alien but she's softened as she's matured. I often give her the biggest hugs.
She has dysplasia in all her limbs (noted before she was one) and was limping for months. We were told she'd have to be put to sleep within a few months (when she was one) but with the help of a vet we managed her recovery and since then (no operations btw) she's been fine.

I absolutely dread the day her time comes to depart her mortal, canine coil....

Would love my own actually, but I'm not allowed animals in this flat.
Plan is to buy next year and get my own mutt (but how would one replace the family lab...)
Last year would've been a lot more manageable with a dog as company.

Wish you all the best with this mate.
Man up, you big wuss.

Had to put my 15 year old spaniel down tonight. Was having seizure fits for a few hours and they put him down straight away. Absolutely heartbroken it’s ended this way but I have comfort knowing he’s not suffering now
Really sorry to hear that mate.
Heart goes out to you all.
Had a choc lab that was the most beautiful, gentle boys you could wish for. He went blind and deaf when he was 12 but was a tail wagging happy boy still.
The crunch came when at 15, he became incontinent and clearly his quality of life diminished to such an extent it would have been cruel to continue.
Had to put my 15 year old spaniel down tonight. Was having seizure fits for a few hours and they put him down straight away. Absolutely heartbroken it’s ended this way but I have comfort knowing he’s not suffering now
Bless you mate, and just know you did the right thing. Good age, Im sure he was a brilliant companion. You did the right thing. What was his name?
We lost our Shitzhu at the beginning of December - end of August we noticed a tiny lump in his neck and it was confirmed a week later as cancer :-( poor little bugger wasn't even 7 years old - vets said any chance of stopping it were basically zero as they reckoned it was already in his lymph nodes too. So we just kept him happy for 3 months whilst watching the lump grow to the size of a tennis ball - at the end we knew he was starting to struggle eating and breathing so there was no way we were going to watch him suffer anymore so did the right thing. We also have one of his daughters (lost the mother at age 10 in 2019 too) and it has been a humongous challenge to get her over the trauma of losing him. Dogs are wonderful but ultimately are agonising at the end when you have them, but they're part of the family, we've never been without at least one in 25 years. Won't be in the future either.

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