When Will Our Manager Address Our Defense??

Frank the Yank

Well-Known Member
3 Jun 2004
The title says it all. The reason we werent a top 5 club was/is simple: our inconsistent (thats being kind) defensive frailities.

In all team sports offense is the sexy part but strong defenses win championships. We all know our away form was relegation form. A large part of that was down to our defense. Its unfair to blame one player. We couldnt grind out favorable results and gain points when we werent playing our best.

This team will not struggle for goals in the long term but we have struggled to keep them out......

An analogy: Like I said the offense (in any team sport) is like the super sexy girl. Its GREAT when things are clicking but you wouldnt want to marry her. The defense doesnt get the attention it deserves, isnt as sexy but for the long haul shes the girl you want to marry....
My concerns also, we are being linked to every world class striker and attacking midfielder on the planet but not often to a defender and even less often to a world class one. Lescott & Upson are reasonable but neither are going to sell many shirts, especially the klingon :p

I'd hoped to be seeing links to some class CBs like Chiellini, Albiol and maybe a left back to keep pressure on Bridge. With the best will in the world Garrido isn't likely to cause Bridge much stress about holding his first team place. Our problem last season wasn't scoring goals, apart from away goals, it was letting the buggers in at the other end.......
Were going on the brasil model.

1 goalkeeper, 10 attackers.
he has addressed it already. by signing barry, it now means komps will be a regular CB. to me thats a vast improvement straight away.

we will be letting dun go (imo)


i would love to see komp and neds as the 2 CB's. they are my 2 fave players and more vitally both are class acts and have a surprisingly vast amount of experience considering their age. it would be great to see them together in defence.

hughes will most prob go more along the lines of toure / lescott and komp, with neds on the bench. that is a very strong CB pairing with quality to step in if one is injured / suspended. we could do with another decent older experienced CB who whould be happy to not play every game (neill from west 'am?????)

the LB position imo needs looking at. someone said once that bridge was still carrying an injury and that he will be a different player when fit. im not sure. he has looked ok at times, at other times, ball has looked better. hughes will likely stick with him as 1st choice and bring in back up (warnock??????????), plus we have mcgivern (LB??) and the promising german kid we signed recently. losing ball and garrido.

i feel that rb is a strong position. both zabs and micah are capable , young players who are already better than most of other prem teams rb's
Frank the Yank said:
The title says it all. The reason we werent a top 5 club was/is simple: our inconsistent (thats being kind) defensive frailities.

In all team sports offense is the sexy part but strong defenses win championships. We all know our away form was relegation form. A large part of that was down to our defense. Its unfair to blame one player. We couldnt grind out favorable results and gain points when we werent playing our best.

This team will not struggle for goals in the long term but we have struggled to keep them out......

An analogy: Like I said the offense (in any team sport) is like the super sexy girl. Its GREAT when things are clicking but you wouldnt want to marry her. The defense doesnt get the attention it deserves, isnt as sexy but for the long haul shes the girl you want to marry....

that defensive performance in Hamburg was one of the worst Ive ever seen. We looked like conceding every time they got within 10 yards of our penalty area
blu4life said:
Frank the Yank said:
The title says it all. The reason we werent a top 5 club was/is simple: our inconsistent (thats being kind) defensive frailities.

In all team sports offense is the sexy part but strong defenses win championships. We all know our away form was relegation form. A large part of that was down to our defense. Its unfair to blame one player. We couldnt grind out favorable results and gain points when we werent playing our best.

This team will not struggle for goals in the long term but we have struggled to keep them out......

An analogy: Like I said the offense (in any team sport) is like the super sexy girl. Its GREAT when things are clicking but you wouldnt want to marry her. The defense doesnt get the attention it deserves, isnt as sexy but for the long haul shes the girl you want to marry....

that defensive performance in Hamburg was one of the worst Ive ever seen. We looked like conceding every time they got within 10 yards of our penalty area

the major problem in that game was tha lack of a fit defensive midfielder, and now with de jong, barry and komp (assuming not playing cb) we wont have that problem again, hopefully

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