Well..me and my 2 friends who I sit with got to queue at 10.45
By 12.00 we hadn't moved barely an inch.
One went home to try on phone and internet and came back later.
In the meantime I made...ONE HUNDRED AND NINE phone calls to MCFC to try and get through...managed to get on hold about 1.00pm...was on hold over half an hour. On the 0870 number (as the main number was on permanent engaged tone).
The very kindly man in front who had in fact got through handed my mate his phone after he'd finished and we got sorted. Ish. Total time in queue = 3 hours. We weren't anywhere near half way to the front!
In the melee and excitement of actually getting out of the queue early we looked at the map upside down and got 3 tickets in Block 142...and then went..ohh bugger..we didn't mean that one...d'oh!
Thankfully clever mate rang back this afternoon and got us all moved to Row L of Block 122, so we can hob nob with our south stand mates. Cost us a bit more again.
General consensus in the queue was that we'd all take pretty much anywhere except top tier. There were no tickets available anywhere in the South Stand. If you haven't got moved, I'd say do it quick.
Pissed off at the hike really, as our ticket this year cost us £380. Next year it's £450 including the £50 discount for moving (so really it's gone up £120, by almost a third!). Not to mention the money the club will make off the kick back on the 0870 number today.
Wonder if I send my mobile bill into Mr G Cook he'd consider reimbursing.... ;)