Which City player are you?

Kyle because I like getting my knob out, Kinkladze because I was a gifted talent with a wand of a left peg who should’ve done better in all aspects of life, Balotelli because in my younger days was a bit of a wild one who didn’t give a single fuck and Peter Swales because I’ve fucked up many a good thing that’s come into my life.
Kazimierz Deyna.

This was given my parents were Polish and he was one of the first foreign imports after he and Poland did well in both the 1974 and 1978 World Cup finals.

My dad was chuffed to see them get 3rd place in 1974, two years before he died in August 1976 from heart and lung issues from working down Agecroft Coal pit until 1970 and smoking too many cigs as blokes used to do in those days.

Seeing Kaz in a City shirt from 1978 to 1981 brought a smile to my face, but sadly he passed away at 41 year old in a car accident in California.
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i’d be Chris Chantler. Supported City all
my life, Get to play a first team game for them for just 5 minutes (v Juventus) and not touch the ball and therefore set a record for doing so.

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