who remmebers city's club call

Used to go in the white hart pub in Dorking and for some reason you could call clubcall put 10p in and the call would last for as long as you wanted. Phone in one hand pint in another listening to the game, pissed off if someone wanted to order a taxi.
Never rang clubcall although did used to call a few 0898 competition lines (never won owt obviously). Used to use teletext all the time though for keeping up with news and latest scores.

Simpler times, sometimes i think it would be nice to go back :)
Marvin said:
Impeccable said:
There were also them annoying Ceefax and Teletext pages.

''TRANSFER SENSATION'' with a premium rate number to ring.
I remember that. BBC Teletext Sport was 302, but I forget ITV Teletext's City page number. Was it 141?
City page 513 iirc
"Listened" to the 10-1 at work that Saturday afternoon!!!

Was unbelievable, there was only a couple of us in that afternoon, so going into the office every 5-10 minutes wasn't a problem!!

Never even crossed my mind about the phone bill - did they do itemised phone bills them days??!!!

But hearing City rack up the score that day.....good times!!!

I also remember the Tuesday after, phoning clubcall quite often from a phone box as I was out for the evening, we played (can't remember who, off the top of my head) in the league cup and notched another 6 in memory serves me correctly!!!

Good times from my youth and credit to the poster who remembered the number - soon as I saw it, I was thinking...."oh yeah - that was it"!!!!!!
Always dreaded the arrival of the family phone bill during football season thanks to my over zealous use of Clubcall!
At least we had a choice if we wanted to pick up the phone and listen to made up stories but these days it's force fed on Sky and talkshite.
Old days: Wake up, cup of tea, telly on. BBC1 Ceefax 302, Ceefax 338. ITV Teletext 401, Teletext 412 (depending on City's league or position therein). Total: 10 minutes.

Now: Wake up, laptop on, BBC Football website, BBC Football Gossip. Bluemoon, Newspapers, Sky Sports, Twitter. Total: 5 hours.
The missus had gone away with the girls for a couple of nights and I came back from the pub a little worse for wear.
At about midnight I used the bedroom phone and made a call for an update on a Transfer (can`t think who it was)
Next morning our neighbour knocked me up at about 11.30am and said that the missus had been phoning me but couldn`t get through,so hence the call to the neighbour.
Fuck me I`d only fallen asleep without putting the phone back properly !!
Next quarter when the phone bill arrived I got a right bollocking.
£147 worth of call I`d used on City !!

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