Who the F**k was booing robinho

yeah ive got a lesson on original comebacks. you should come[/quote]

So you've given up being a mardarse and trying to take the moral high ground when someone insults you? (yes I do remember it)

In which case I will take the oppurtunity to call you a first class dickhead of the highest order.

Now fuck off you appalling c.unt, no one will miss you as your posts are worthless and add nothing of value. Similar to your pathetic life no doubt, you wanker.[/quote]

hard man?? you remember what ? being negative about gays??[/quote]

LOL, fail[/quote]

you kept that in the bank didnt you sado. fuck me you must be bored?
Disturbance said:
Cheltblue said:
Ahhhh yes, well done Disturbance,

Thats just the words i was looking for.
Must be an age thing!

Hehe, I'm not exactly proud of it but there's a bit of history there :)

Worked for me mate.

It dissappoints me seeing a fellow blue (i think) become a self-obsessed total twat. And unfortunately he fits that bill all too well.
The booing was clearly from the Sunerland fans and it was directed towards the referee and his assistant- who between them had awarded a stone wall penalty and harshly (IMO) sent off McCartney.

I do not understand the mindset of some city fans. I was sat near one bloke who shouted when Robinho got the ball "Do something normal" While this chap may have a point to a remote extent i'm afraid that I must declare that he is living in the past. City fans need to get used to watching better players and not getting on their backs when something they try does not come off. 32 Million quid or Free Transfers - confidence effects everyone, so get behind the players! Maybe these fans would perfer the likes of Jeff Whitley or Gary Mason or Ged Brannan who would run about like headless chickens but I dont need to remind anyone that these kind of players took us down to Division 2.

Ive also noticed, unless i'm mistaken, that there have never been any pro-mark hughes songs chanted in the ground. I mean, surely it is not going to take us winning a trophy to back our manager?! I really do think it would benefit the team as a whole if we properly backed our manager and players. Or are some city fans still sad enough to hark back to his rag connections- jesus - Hughes looks a pissed off as anyone when we lose. He is the right man, none of this Agent Hughes poppycock. The man wants an extention. If he builds the squad the trophies will come.
Nah, it was the sunderland fans who were booing rob.
they was singing "fuck off robinho" lol

to be honest, i must admit the kid is testing my patience, where paying him ridiculas amounts of money and he doesnt work half as hard as the likes of zab or stevie or wright phillips.
Gets abit anoying especially when theres all this media speculation that he will leave the club in the summer, if he does i wont be his biggest fan i must say! :(

whats all this about him "taking drugs at a party in brazil" according to pele.
Let's just clear this up once and for all. Yes, of course there were Sunderland fans booing Robinho but I can assure everyone who thinks it was just them that there were a minority of City fans doing it as well. It happened near me in the singing section the next time he got the ball after missing the penalty. It may well have gone in other parts of the ground as well. I've posted about this already on another thread and I'm fucked if I'm going to cover up for a few fucktards by claiming it was only the opposition fans doing it. Booing your own players is unacceptable, disgusting, and despicable. The whole point of being a football supporter is that you SUPPORT your team - save the criticism for after the game ffs. I accept it can get frustrating at times - some would say most of the time watching City - but resorting to booing players is bang out of order.
I didn't hear any booing. Just one mouthy twat gobbing off every time he had the ball. Mind you there was a mass muttering of disapproval at the absolutely shite pen attempt.
notreallyhere said:
It's not just a city fan thing, Villa fans have been booing agbonlahor, cretins.

Yep, you're dead right there and perhaps I should've mentioned the Agbonlahor incident. From what I can gather the booing of him was far more widespread than that of Robinho on Sunday.
He`s a forward, all forwards dip in form at some point. He just needs a goal, he scores one and he`ll bag aload against some unfortunate lot.

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