Who would fancy that round trip(hopefully) to the moon?


Well-Known Member
30 Sep 2016
Team supported
I was reading about the latest plans to take a couple of millionaires/billionaires to the moon and back and I asked myself,

if you had the cash you tight ****, would you spend a lot of it going to the moon?

I thought it over and decided that I probably would. I would then recoup all my expenditure by writing a book about how we flew over a UFO base and they looked as if they were planning an invasion. The cunts.

Not a new theory, but none have been there and are only blowing out their arse.

I too would be blowing out my arse, but with the benefit and added credibility of being able to lie that I saw it with my own eyes.

Maybe get David Ike to say something nice on the cover.

Who else would go and why?
Yeah i'd have a bash at that if I was super-rich. Start a cheese import business.
Ground control to Magicpole
Commencing countdown, engine's down

Can you hear me magicpole?

Can you hear me magicpole?

Can you heeeeeeeeeeaaaar are we

I can see the headlines now.

Rich **** crashes and burns on moon. Fuck him.
Planet earth is blue, because eveyone is a glory hunting City supporter
And there's nowt the Rags can dooooooooo

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