Why does Mediterranean food p*ss all over ours?

Because the only food that grows naturally in Britian is potatoes, root vegetables and cabbage!
It's all a matter of taste. I personally don't like Mediterranean food and think ours pisses all over theirs. I'd rather have a meat and potato pie, peas, chips and gravy than any of that stuff. And I'm not kidding either, it's just tastier.
Love most foreign foods, think i'd starve to death if I could only eat British food, just find most foreign food tastier and morer interesting, usually healthier too.
Never liked Sunday Roast, just find them boring. As i have started trainig and weight lifting again i pretty much live on vegetables, fruit, rice and chicken so when i have my reast day i do like to indulge in an English classic like Sausage and Mash
Just look at the country stats for heart disease, strokes etc... obv its more important to enjoy the taste of food that you're accustomed to even though it knocks 10-20 yrs off your life..
Eating decent food once a year is the best part of going on holiday for me..(apart from when I've gone to the States..)
The typical British diet and lifestyle is shocking,hence why the majority of the population is overweight and/or grossly unfit.
Instead of moderation,through a mixture of choice,greed and a lack of personal responsibility,we do most things to excess,with little thought or care to the consequence,impact or effect it has on oneself or others.
The reason probably lies between a lack of education and a lack of self respect,unfortunately this is culturally ingrained but also hindered by ignorance and a reluctance to change.
The majority of our European neighbours take a greater pride in their health and well-being,this is fact from comparable medical issues and life expectancy but also,and more simply,from their appearance.

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