why is it when you have a good day .........

happened to me on friday actually.

great day at work, good news after good news, looking forward to the weekend, the start of football etc..
early beers at work, everything going swimmingly. then got a corona (not my choice btw) which was hard to open, so applied more pressure and it opened albeit a little roughly. checked the rim of the bottle, it was all jagged, looked down at my hand, yep you guessed it - middle finger was pissing with blood..

ended up in casualty, got all stitched up (after waiting for about 4 and a half hours).
turned out that three quarters of the glass from the rim was still in the bottletop..wierd..anyone else done this?

now im mentally scarred and have to get other people to open beers for me (ok at bars, odd at home)

drafting a letter complete with pictures to fosters this arvo : (

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