Will we score more but conceed more this season?

Colins Bellend said:
This High line was played in nearly every home game last season and a lot of aways

Only when we had possession, when the opponents had the ball under Mancini we dropped deeper and defended around the edge of our own area. Pellegrini prefers to retain the high line when the opposition have the ball and regain possession by pressing from the midfield, the problems start when we don't regain possession quickly enough.
I will answer this question, Sam, when i've seen us play some real games.
As long as we win im not fussed at all how many the opposition score, i think we will concede more this season without doubt looking at how fragile we seem defensively in pre season.. We will all get a better idea after the first couple of games when Pell stops tinkering, trying formations and starts to plan and play how he sees us winning the PL. Im confident he will lead us to the title and cant wait for next Monday!!
omgitsnash said:
I found it more exciting to watch us play under MH, but our defense has been great over the last few seasons under RM. I really hope that we find the right balance.

Yeah, that run of 7 draws was absolutely thrilling.

To answer the OP, yes I think we will concede more
It's pretty difficult to play a more attacking game and not lose at least some defensive solidity. So yes, of course we will score AND concede more. It's a pretty basic and fundamental trade-off within football tactics.
Tricky_Trev said:
It's pretty difficult to play a more attacking game and not lose at least some defensive solidity. So yes, of course we will score AND concede more. It's a pretty basic and fundamental trade-off within football tactics.
Not necessarily. Barcelona at their peak were conceding just over 20 goals a season by simply absolutely dominating possession to the point that other teams never even had the opportunity to attack. The season before Pellegrini took over Real Madrid, they scored 83 and conceded 52. During his season in charge, they scored 102 and conceded 35. It really is sometimes the case that attack is the best form of defence.

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