We had a Maths teacher who was a really sound bloke but who had all these words and phrases he would use over and over again. Some of these were 'Thick as a brick,' 'Mad as the hills,' 'Ooooh-urrrrhhh!'-when someone got an easy answer wrong--'Sheffield,'-cos that was where he was from--'Blades' or 'United' cos he was a Sheffield United fan--'Joe Cocker'-cos he claimed to know him etc etc. One day someone had the bright idea of having an FA Cup competition using all his sayings, wrote them all out on pieces of paper, did a draw for which words were playing each other ones. and kept score. The poor bloke wondered why people were cheering and booing seemingly at random during his lesson. We told him why in the end and he pissed himself laughing. Also if he found a lad with a girlie mag he would take it, sit at his desk leafing through it for 5 or 10 minutes, then pass it back saying 'Good article on Maseratis in there, or didn't you notice?' Top bloke.