Our roster was fixed at 2x Mornings 0630-1330 2x Afternoons 1330-2200 then 2 x Nights 2200-0630 then the rest of that day followed by 3 days off = MMAANNSleepOOO ( I hated nights). The numbers on nights were reduced so it could vary to MMAAMMOOOO( the favourite for many) or MMAAOMMOOO (least popular as if you had leave after it your were losing a day.) The rosters were mainly compiled by our "resource unit" but the on watch rosterers were good at maximising leave for people and people would generally do as they requested as you expected others to do the same when your leave came around. 6 days leave taken could generally, but not always, get someone 14 clear days off. Bank holidays, weekend, Xmas really meant nothing. The union worked hard to keep the above system as, if nothing else, it gave long term predictability.