Would you boycot?



If we were god forbid owned by the Glazers or Tom Hicks and George Gillette would you boycott home games and chuck in your season tickets and hurt them the only way you can by not funding them and forcing them to sell whilst coming up with the pathetic excuses of "we support the boys still"

Or would you still fund their loan repayments to inflict more misery and pisstake on the club you love by paying good money for your season ticket whilst wearing a different colour item of clothing and calling it a protest?

I've been asked this question a few time the last few months and if i really felt so much about the people running the club i love i would not give them a penny even if that meant hurting the club for a temporary amount of time.

I'm sick of hearing about how angry they feel about the ownership of their club whilst sending a check off for £700-£800 on their season tickets.

The club is the club - no matter who is wearing the shirt or who is wearing the blazer.
Say what you want about the Glazers and their ilk, by reputation, they're only in the ha'penny place compared to Thaksin.
A lot of people on this board felt recriminations about having that man as the face of our club (myself included) but, we stuck it out because, as I say, the club is the club etc etc...
A lot of the green and yellow thing has more to do with rats deserting the sinking ship than genuine concern for the demise of that football club. It's no coincidence that they're chumming up with their red scouse pals now, either. Those two were always different sides of the same bent coin.
It seems you place the Glazers above God as the yanks get the capital letter but God does not. Shame on you rag! :)

edit - to answer your question - No I wouldn't. I'm a City fan and support the team. I would not wear a silly coloured scarf either!
I would, I'm a city fan and support the club and whatever team we put out BUT I wouldn't back some idiot owners and if I had to boycott the games then I would for the greater good of our great club.
If I was to Boycott then I wouldnt give the club any money or show my face at the ground.
But I am finding it hard to think of any reason why I would feel the need to boycott something that is in my blood, would you put a child up for adoption for being ginger? Not a fair question I know.

Stupid question if you ask me IP, daft enough to try and compare us to the clowns over the road.
First post on here. Been reading for a while and decided to join in. Where better else to start than cunting off that lot!

Would I boycott? I have done briefly. The Stand Up Sit Down thing in 116 / 117 was getting ridiculous and it was spoiling what was left of the atmosphere from those days. The Stewards were ruining it. A couple of the Lads around us got kicked out. I didn't have a Seasoncard at the time and had no inclination to go when I couldn't enjoy the day and the Football on offer lacked any entertainment. i.e. Goals. I've since become a Seasoncard Holder in 110.

I don't think I've ever felt strongly enough about an Owner or Manager to warrant boycotting the Matches for an undetermined length of time. I'd never rule it out - but it'd have to be serious. The Green & Gold thing simply doesn't make any difference to the Glazers when Tickets are being sold and the Scarves are worn over the top of a Replica Shirt.

Fuck off back to Norwich.
We've had our boardroom problems in the past and we've taken direct action rather that just pussy foot about,wear daft scarves and whinge about it. We've suffered and dropped down divisions. They're suffering is because they haven't managed to hang onto the league crown or only won one trophy.

Was it not fan power that got rid of Swales and Lee eventually?

Maybe because our discontent was genuine whereas half the f'kin rags who wear green/yellow scarves haven't a fooking scooby what it's all about.

That, in my opinion is the difference.
We had Swales and he ran the club so badly that it has taken us nearly 20 years to get back on our feet. So no I wouldn't boycott, unlike most rags I think most City fans aren't supporters because of success and they don't have the view that the world of football stops outside the sky 4.
DontLookBackInAnger said:
We had Swales and he ran the club so badly that it has taken us nearly 20 years to get back on our feet. So no I wouldn't boycott, unlike most rags I think most City fans aren't supporters because of success and they don't have the view that the world of football stops outside the sky 4.
Absolutely. Christ, we've had more reason than most to boycott the club, but it hasn't happened. The Rags sold their soul years ago, long before the Americans came on board. They are just reaping what they have sewn. They deserve everything that is about to happen to them.

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