would you buy an away season card?

notts blue

Well-Known Member
4 Jan 2010
was talking to a customer who supports and follows chelsea and he has an away seasoncard,

think city would ever consider this idea?

also i think the loyalty points need reviewing as fans that spend big money and follow city away in europe should be rewarded mor than for an away at wigan etc! loyalty my arse..
If i remember rightly, Aston Villa season ticket holders can view a live stream of away games for free on their website. City have streamed games before so something like this should be easy to do, no?
I would buy one as it would get me past anyone in front of me on the points system

and as I would be willing to pay a hugh premium at least 60% increase would be fine with me ( as I could claim a massive chunk of that back through my business tax.40% ithink on both tickets ) to guarantee my away tickets it would help towards the clubs FFP comittment

win win for the club and me I think

only loosers would be HMRC and any poor fans above me in the current points scheme

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