Young love 'n' stuff - a kid in need!


Well-Known Member
2 May 2009
Fred's Patio on me: "Mr. Self Appointed Lord of Wh
Firstly, I would like to further express my sympathy for Fixer. Once again, I don't know whether this is the right place, but today, this forum stopped. I'd like to pay my respects before I go on. Every one of us is here for you, Fixer. You really a top bloke from what I've seen of you on here, so we're happy to help you out whenever you need us. We don't feel obliged at all. Nothing I can say will ever be good enough to make you feel better, but I'm so sorry for you, mate.

I'm not trying to make this worse than Fixer's situation, but I do just need some advice.

Right, I don't know how long this post (or thread) will be, or how embarrassing this may become, and I may get a lot of replies along the lines of "he's smashing her back doors in", but I'd really appreciate it if you didn't make it that way, because I genuinely feel quote worried and upset...

Those who know me well on here will know that I'm in a long-term long-distance relationship. I've been with her for over two years now, and I know this may be (NTS) Naive Teenager Syndrome kicking in, but I genuinely feel like this could go somewhere. We're even seriously discussing her moving down here in a year or two so we can start to go somewhere real. I trust her beyond comprehension, and whatever it is that I feel for her, feels like something stronger than love. We're incredibly strong, yes we argue like any other couple does, of course but, that hasn't affected a thing.

Now, being as brilliant as my girlfriend is, I'm not going to be the only one who wants to be with her. Over the time we've been together, she's had everything from Canadian stalkers to Morrocan muscly men begging for her ladyparts and just about everything in between. But recently, four of her very close friends (3 boys, 1 girl) have expressed their new and true feelings for her -- they all want to be more than just friends with my girlfriend.

This hasn't affected our relationship as such, but it's getting to the point where I'm planning on building myself up so that I can punch all four of them individually without one of them landing a hit on me. Quotes from these four people:

Boy 1 said:
Nobody appreciates what they have with you when they get you, especially Rob

Boy 2 said:
I want to cook you a meal and then have sex with you.

Boy 3 said:
Me and my girlfriend aren't right for eachother. Would you give up Rob for me?

Girl 1 said:
Wow, I came in my pants when I saw you tonight.

Now these four people see my girlfriend every day. They were all invited to the same party last night, and of course, it has come about that Boy 1 and Boy 2 attempted to kiss my girlfriend. She batted them away, but by the sounds of things, they're not giving in.

Now, I was over that slightly. I'd trust my girlfriend with my life and I trust her to go out, go to parties and not cheat. But there are photos from the party being posted on Facebook. Obviously, I've gone through them. There are several of my girlfriend and Boy 1, and of course, with all her other friends, including Girl 1, who is kissing her on the cheek. But there is one photo in particular that has upset me. My girlfriend is sat down on the floor next to Boy 1. Her right leg is bent over his left leg, as they sit facing away from the sofa. I should also add that half of his arm is behind her. Pinching her arse? Now, this has upset me. Why? Why do I have to worry? Why did I have to worry when I saw that?

The bottom line is that I need some advice on how to just get on with life when I see my girlfriend in pictures with other boys. You've all had long term relationships before, so you must know how to deal with it. Any help? ):
MCFC BOB said:
I should also add that half of his arm is behind her. Pinching her arse? Now, this has upset me. Why? Why do I have to worry? Why did I have to worry when I saw that?

The bottom line is that I need some advice on how to just get on with life when I see my girlfriend in pictures with other boys. You've all had long term relationships before, so you must know how to deal with it. Any help? ):

She's getting smashed by someone other than you mate, sorry but, you have to know this
bob. your a young lad that doesn't need to think like this

ask her straight out, if she lies then she simply isn't worth it mate..

that's the best advice that you could possibly have, although it may not sound like it now.
aphex said:
bob. your a young lad that doesn't need to think like this

ask her straight out, if she lies then she simply isn't worth it mate..

that's the best advice that you could possibly have, although it may not sound like it now.
I'm not worried about whether she's cheating on me because... well, I know she isn't. There's way too many reasons why I know, but yeah...

I do just need some advice on how not to cry like a weeping willow whenever I see her being anything but horrible to boys who like her.
MCFC BOB said:
aphex said:
bob. your a young lad that doesn't need to think like this

ask her straight out, if she lies then she simply isn't worth it mate..

that's the best advice that you could possibly have, although it may not sound like it now.
I'm not worried about whether she's cheating on me because... well, I know she isn't. There's way too many reasons why I know, but yeah...

I do just need some advice on how not to cry like a weeping willow whenever I see her being anything but horrible to boys who like her.

woman are naturally flirtatious - although it can be hard to judge whether they are just being friendly or something more ominous

at least you know what you are doing wrong.. just hide those feelings away from her. we've all felt it at some point.
The reason you are feeling this way is because you are insecure.
The only way to combat this is to become more confident. Now the part you won't want to hear, the chances of you spending the rest of your life with your teenage girlfriend is slim to say the least. Get out there and live life before you are forced to grow up and settle down.

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