Your Best Memories of Maine Road

Seeing a full house against Blackpool in our first game in Div 2.

From a game and atmosphere point of view the 5-1 takes some beating for me.
There are far to many good memories to pick one but to pick one today possible the 5-1 had a personally very bad week and was expecting a beating the feeling after that game was total elation all my troubles forget about.
Pick any winter or night match when our winger was on fire (Barnes, Simpson, Tuart)
The encouragement from the Kippax was incredible
Steveo said:
The last Maine Rd Derby. Never heard the noise from the crowd as loud as it was that day!

Will remember that as long as i live!

Vert true.
beating boro in the league cup semi 4 nil, then getting home to start cutting out the coupons from back of the programmes for a final ticket.
i really really wish i had made more of an effort to watch a game at maine road :-(

And by the way, could someone explain what a chippy scram is and chips and curry on a barm please?
David Phillips smashing home the 5th goal against Charlton in '85 to cement promotion.

I was in the North stand, it was a sunny day, carnival atmoshphere, Maine Road packed and bouncing.

Truly a happy day!

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