your favourite players when you were a kid ie. 14 or under

citygirl77 said:
60/70 Bert Trautman Joe Corrigan, Glyn Pardoe, Tony Book, Mike Doyle, Ian Ure, Tommy Booth, Alan Oakes, Franny Lee, Colin Bell, ? Young, Mike Summerbee, TONY COLEMAN(TWO BEST WINGERS EVER) Denis Teuart, even Denis Law (when he sent reds down)

Same as above, but forgive me if iam wrong didnt Ian Ure play for the RAGS not us.
Romario ! Gabriel Batistuta is a good shout too, great shot! But cant remember that much, didnt understand or care that much about club football.
Paul Mariner, Paul Walsh and Vince Hillaire.

Vince even got a mention in this classic :)

Derek Kevan, I'm sure I can remember him taking a penalty when he just put ball on the spot, looked at goaly (Villa I think), took 1 pace back, turned, shot and scored. Brilliant.

Can anyone else remember it?
Steve Mackenzie I think, because of the goal during the '81 replay and general all-round play. Not sure who my 'all-time' favorate would be though, possibly Paul Walsh.
denis tueart.he scored the goal in the 1 nil victory over 1st game at maine road.always liked cyril regis as a kid.i remember when wba battered utd at old trafford and regis scored a belter.gerald sintadt was going mental saying 'oh what a goal'.gerald sinstadt was also a great commentator.shame about 'the incident'.tut tut
I'll admit when I was 14 and younger I really only watched my local Norwegian team Rosenborg and the World Cups and Euros, so here goes:
Zidane (undisputed #1!)
Etxeberria (cool basque player)
Jorge Campos (a phenomena!)
Seedorf (when he was young)
Lothar Matthäus (legend)
Davor Suker
Kippaxhouse said:
Derek Kevan, I'm sure I can remember him taking a penalty when he just put ball on the spot, looked at goaly (Villa I think), took 1 pace back, turned, shot and scored. Brilliant.

Can anyone else remember it?

I remeber this as being Alex Harley.
Derek Kevin (along with Wyn Davies)was the best header of a ball that I saw at Maine Road. Used to deliver groceries to his club house in Brooklands

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