Your favourite poem

Take them fuckin sunglasses off
The sun’s outside you tool
Take them fuckin sunglasses off
You’re confusing **** with cool
Take them fuckin sunglasses off
Surely you can’t see
Take them fuckin sunglasses off
You’re not Lennie from Peters & Lee
Take them fuckin sunglasses off
It’s a look we all deplore
Take them fuckin sunglasses off
Lose those delusions of grandeur
Take them fuckin sunglasses off
Them shades are a shameful blunder
Take them fuckin sunglasses off
You’re not Roy Orbison or Stevie Wonder
Take them fuckin sunglasses off
Your room is dimly lit
Take them fuckin sunglasses off
It’s dark in there you tit
A bud has burst on the upper bough
(The linnet sang in my heart today);
I know where the pale green grasses show
By a tiny runnel, off the way,
And the earth is wet.
(A cuckoo said in my brain: “Not yet.”)

I nabbed the fly in a briar rose
(The linnet to-day in my heart did sing);
Last night, my head tucked under my wing,
I dreamed of a green moon-moth that glows
Thro’ ferns of June.
(A cuckoo said in my brain: “So soon?”)

Good-bye, for the pretty leaves are down
(The linnet sang in my heart today);
The last gold bit of upland’s mown,
And most of summer has blown away
Thro’ the garden gate.
(A cuckoo said in my brain: “Too late.”)

Song, by Trumbull Stickney
I love WH Auden. You can almost smell the oil and the grit of the industrial backgrounds in his writing and the cadence is like machinery - to me anyway, I'm no expert!

One of my favourite bands, Public Service Broadcasting, wrote a soundtrack for Night Mail, it's really wonderful.
Agreed, rhythm is so important to his work. It makes his poetry so fun to read out loud.

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