Your Own Football Playing Day Stories.

Playing for a Sunday league side the first game was away and I had a safety meeting at work so i told the manager to make me a sub as I would probably be a bit late. I managed to turn up at 11am but they had just kicked off. We were 4-1 down at half time and I was told to come on and go upfront. I set up 1 and scored 4 and we won 7-4. The week after I turned up on time and was told I,d be in the starting line up. AT CENTRE BACK!!! The managers nephew had been away the first week and when he came back he wanted to play up front(diddums). He was a FUB and if we were ever under the cosh he just stood hand on hips complaining. Needless to say I didnt stay there too long.
I've a tale myself from my college days playing football that always stands out. We were playing one of the colleges in Salford and they were basically just a bunch of rough arses, unfortunately for us they were also pretty good and soon went about four or five nil up.

Now this was around about the time the Rags were on their way to that first title in 26 years and obviously with it being Salford most of there players were Rags, as they were taking the piss passing it round one lad was doing a running commentary 'Giggs, to Sharp, out to Kanchelskis, through to Ince'...

You get the picture.

Anyway our lot (including a fair smattering of Rags ourselves) are getting well pissed off with this blatent show of disrespect. Cue the moment that will live with me forever.

One of my team mates (Dillion) forget his Christian name? but he was also a Rag. Is steaming. I've told him to calm down but I know something's about to occur as the running commentary starts again.

Next thing all I see is Dillion studs six foot up flying through the air screaming 'VINNIE JONES' in a full out assault on the commentators shoulder blades. I shit you not he nearly took the lads head off. Half our team are on the floor crying with laughter, the other half are kicking off with them as a full on brawl errupts.

Needless to say Dillion didn't wait for his Red Card to be brandished, he was already walking to the dressing room.
My best goal ever. I was 14 and it was mid-season, the gaffer wasn't starting me anymore so had lost all my confidence, we were playing a team called Greenfields a team who Jamie Redknapp played for as a kid and Harry managed for abit but more importantly alot of kids from my school played for them so I wanted to play but ended up on the bench once again I was warming the bench. Came on second half, wide right. First touch was terrible and lost the ball, 5 mins later we are on the attack i am about 10 yards away from the corner of box where the striker did a little lay off I struck the ball as hard as I could and it flew into the far top corner to everyones amazement. We won the game 4-2 and scored in the next game as confidence high until I was dropped again.
Years ago,mid 70's a couple of our dads started a football team and we weren't doing too well at all.Mid way through the season the usually drubbing occured and we all trundled back to a mates house for the usual bollocking.after a minute or so of said verbal bollockings there was the usual deathly silence until one us let off a real load fart on the wooden stairs.
Quote the manager " and that's the best thing you've said all bloody day "
The place erupted.
I normally played in defence but for some reason this game i was playing up front. I got put clean through 30 yrds from goal , i was running gump-like towards goal, but could hear some young whipper snapper catching me up rapid, i was flat out and didn't notice a dip in the pitch, i lost my footing, flew forward , and skidded about 10 yrds superman style on my belly,when i came to rest the ground had also dragged my shorts and boxers down to my knees, displaying my arse to everyone. I've never lived it down, my best man even used this story on my wedding day the tw@t.
playing for eccles college at centre half against a scouse college, we were pushing for an equaliser in the last minute. everyone had gone up for a corner except me and the keeper, but the dippers had left two forward. they broke from the corner and were heading for our area. i ran at the one with the ball as he entered the area and took off in a two footed long jump sort of a tackle. half way through the air, i realised i wasn't going to reach him so landed on my knees and vaulted myself forward. as i made contact with his midrift, i flipped my arms up and he flew up and over my shoulders, crashing to the floor behind me. i was sent off and they scored the pengy anyway.
Playing for the Hop Pole in the Hyde and district,the referee got nicked at half time for receiving stolen property,coppers wouldn't let him ref the second half.
Playing at Oxford Park next to Spring Grove,pushed into the post and fractured my sternum.Worst pain ever.
Played with two brothers who were loonies,the eldest Carl gets taken out by some thug from the Stone Jug,(Hattersley),the other brother is sub and ran on, twatted the bloke who did his brother and was straight redded.
Over in Sydney we were playing a team called Dunbar,mainly consisting of Ruperts,we were losing3-0 at halftime,so sacked the coach.
Second half we pasted them 5-3 and the pricks wouldn't even shake our hands.
citykev28 said:
playing for eccles college at centre half against a scouse college, we were pushing for an equaliser in the last minute. everyone had gone up for a corner except me and the keeper, but the dippers had left two forward. they broke from the corner and were heading for our area. i ran at the one with the ball as he entered the area and took off in a two footed long jump sort of a tackle. half way through the air, i realised i wasn't going to reach him so landed on my knees and vaulted myself forward. as i made contact with his midrift, i flipped my arms up and he flew up and over my shoulders, crashing to the floor behind me. i was sent off and they scored the pengy anyway.
I didn't know you were Richard Dunne.
Played for Manchester rivers twice on a Sunday at hough end! Haha! We got beat 8-1 then 14-0. Our manager was cheering because the season before they beat us 17-0. Got ankle stamped and then went to shef u away in the cup when the baloons were on the pitch. Had a broken ankle but I didn't know. Next day, straight to hope.

My best was my first day of my 2nd high school. The cocky of the school passed it to me just inside our half and I went to pass a long ball to someone upfront. I shit you not...this was from behind me centre circle. The wind picked it up, it flew across the other half, the school keeper dived for it, it hit the cross bar and in. Everytime they played after that, I said I had twisted my ankle and the doctor says I can never play again. I was a lying shit. I didn't want them to know I am utter shiiiite.

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