Your step by step plan for Monday

7:45: Train to Manchester
8:40: Train to Liverpool
10:00 - 14:00: Uni
14:20: Train back to Manchester

Then free for the rest of the day, so few pints then off to the ground.
Got the day off:

Get up: could be anytime between 10am-12.30

haven't got a clue after that.

Have tea/dinner. neck a few or 6 at home, to calm the nerves.

Get picked up at 6.30.

Then off to the Etihad where i will be shitting it and buzzing at the same time.
0800 get up,, watch the 6-1
1200 get train from mrs house in warrington
1240 wander around m/cr aimlessly
2000 attend game
2045 go mad at h/t when we are 2 up
2130 plenty of poznan as we have beat rags
head to town....beers on me !
09.15am - docs to check my stomach for ulcers.

10.30am - get on the bulmers

13.00 - drink the bulmers

16.00 - keep drinking the bulmers

18.30 - probably mary dee's (quality of beer won't be a problem!)

19.48 - enter stadium for a better atmosphere than Hamburg

20.32 - dodge seat that gets flung at my head.

20.34 - Carlos Tevez scores to make it 1-0

20.35 - again, dodge seat flung at my head

21.33 - Phil Jones scores og to make it 2 -0 City

21.39 - Sergio Aguero makes it 3 -0 City

22.00 - show my freshly shaven ball bag to the losing rag cunts.

22.01 - text all rag cunts, dance shout and scream 'This is how it feels to be city, this is how it feels to be small, you sign phil jones we sign Kun Aguero!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
9am wake up
9:10am get out of bed
9:15am have breaky
9:30am start revising for the most important exam of my life
9:45am decide fuck it im guna blast city songs out and watch either Gillingham or Blackburn match
12:16pm get the train to town
12:30-8pm drink
8-10pm hmm not sure about this bit yet....
10 onwards, either go home or carry on drinking!
Tuesday = one major hangover!
0800 Get up
0830 Have some Breakfast whilst browsing BM

From then on try and my keep myself busy and not see any news or build up to the game.

18 30 set off to the Match with a me Arse twitching like Redknapps Face

2300 Be back at home and on BM celebrating a spectacular Win with you lot.
wake up
drive lorry round country.
park for the night.
turn phone off.
go walkabout 8pm for two hours.
turn phone/radio on.
have a one man party/wake.

wake up, get on with life. win or lose love the blues

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