Your worst experience betting / gambling


Well-Known Member
13 Oct 2010

last year when i was addicted to roulette machines , was meeting up with mates in London, had about 200 quid in my wallet - thought i'd kill a bit of time in the bookies, ended up spunking my whole lot of money in the machines, walked out and felt sick, went to draw money out and had a lot less than i thought ! was so upset, didn't end up going out and went home - so glad those days are over and i can look back and laugh.
It was last year we were all 17 and managed to get casino cards so we used to and got lucky alot a mate of mine who used to drive us there developed a really bad habit and was losing a 100 a night after winning £1000 on his first night and a few other wins along the way, so he thought it was easy,
well one night we went and all left broke but because he had such a problem he had not filled his car with petrol so exhausted after losing are money he went to start the car up and it wouldnt. 5 in the morning college the next day, trek from home so we wandered back in where some bloke gave us a £5 chip to cash in and my mate snuck off and put it on RED!!!.... and lost. got home a 7 THE END
a pal of mine changed his job title to pro gambler recently, pre chrimbo he was £50k up, mid jan he had done all that plus his savings (£30k in premium bonds)

what can you say? tbf we had no idea he was anywhere near £50k up, silly fecker.

Dont do it kids.
Having £1 on an 8 horse accumalator.

7 horses won, down to the last race. Horse I backed lost in a photo finish having led the whole race.

Would have won me £37k.
Big G said:
Monaco - £10k on black :-(

seriously ? and why ?

anyone think we have a huge gambling epidemic ? ... especially when you see how many adverts there are for internet gambling etc , when i do my weekly football bet there's people queuing up for the machines
Back in the days when Casino's were for gamblers and not for the wider public (it was far enjoyable then as well BTW) I had many a nice night eating fine food, drinking fine wine and enjoying a Montecristo Nr 2.

I rarely gambled much as i rarely had that much I could afford to lose (Montecristo's arent cheap you know) and I was always there for the atmos and the feeling that it was something more than a night in the pub or at the dogs (not anymore in most places sadly).

On one occasion though I was in a fine mood, good company and hob-nobbing with a few well known Mancunians and had a bit of early fortune on the corners at roulette.

I was soon about a ton up, not much even then back in the 80's but I was enjoying myself as the company was good and the whole ambience was spot on.

I decided to try a few numbers and remembering a system I saw someone else using I picked 7, 12, 28, 29, 35 - they are a group of numbers on the wheel close to 0.

I was putting 50p on each number, playing my winnings, so the bet was £2.50 per spin - nothing huge there.

If a number comes up you get £18 back and that happened quite a lot.

As I was playing a colour (you would pick up 36 coloured chips each time) I was soon asking for some of the payout in cash as well.

It wasnt that long before I was over £200 up on the night. So lets have a bit more fun, £1 per number - the bet now paid out £36 when it came in - (I was also moving my set of numbers following the pattern of where the ball was landing, trying to get ahead of the dealer if you will.)

5,24,10,23,8 were next and I soon got used to the phrase 'can I have a pony with that'.

So now I was on something of an extraordinary run of luck and was simply popping any new 'ponies' into my suit pocket.

25,17,34,6,27 and it continued coming on far more than not.

I even took a few spins rest when the dealer changed and noticed the pattern of he next one was pretty regular as well.

Back to 7,12,27,28,29 more luck.

Within an hour I was having to use another suit pocket for a mixture of ponies and fiver chips!

I counted what I had in front of me and I had £450 in ponies on the table plus another £30 odd quid in my colour.

God knows what I had in the pockets but I knew I was enjoying myself. I reckoned on being about £800, possibly £900 in 'in the pocket' profit. Good times.

I took £350 of the cash chips from the table and dropped them in my suit pocket with a guestimate putting me a grand up on the night, sweet as a nut.

And now this is where fbloke either grew some massive bollocks or became silly depending on your own perspective.

It was pony time on the numbers, £125 a spin so I had perhaps 2 decent spins and then I would have used the colour up, taxi and in bed by 2am.

Nope, the first one landed £900 on one spin. Fuck me solid.

I got paid in plaque chips, just like James fucking Bond!

Now all night I had been leaving any winning chip in place, just for luck.

And for the first time the number doubled. Another £900.

Then the fecker came in again. Another £900.

I am sat there like some top gambler with a cool as a cucumber look of 'oh this is just normal for me' or so I thought.

Anyway after about an hour of some luck, some not I decided to call it quits. My luck was runnind out and I decided that I wouldnt break one of the plaques. They were now in the pocket of my suit as well.

Cashing out at a casino after a big win (well any win TBH) is a lovely sensation, pure bliss. In fact it is one of the few things that lives up to the image portrayed in the movies.

So as I empty my bulging pockets I cannot believe what I have done. More and more chips, £500, £250, £100, enough ponies to choke a donkey.

To watch the hands of the cashier as she sorted, stacked and counted the lot was mind numbing.

£14,550 was the total I got paid out that night.

I dabble every now and then and normally end up in profit but the next best win has been a couple of grand, but I rarely get more than a few hundred quid up at best now.

But its not the same anymore, smoke free (i am a non smoker but used to dabble with cigars as they go well with whisky and casinos) and clinical I am just glad I did it when Casino's were as I always imagined them.

Sorry for the long post but I enjoyed recalling that :-)
City once let me down a few years ago for just short of 4grand on an accumulator.

We were away at Boro when we hadn't got a result there since Asa Hartford scored the winner in either 74 or 76, I can't remember now.

I'd backed Boro to beat us Viduka missed a pen in the last minute and we drew 0-0 i think.

That's the only time I'd of celebrated us getting beat.

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