"Teeth" says celtic would be top 6 in prem

I doubt he believes that to be fair, just knows his crowd.

A lot of celebrations in Glasgow today, must be some feeling to beat all that competition and win only your 6th title in a row.
Why celebrate winning a one horse race
What a twat

They'd probably just stay up on account of picking up enough home points, but away from home they'd take a few dry bummings
Yeah, the standard of of the Championship is really quite high for the most part. Which is why the likes of Bournemouth don't need to spend fortunes just to hold their own after promotion.

its the level they have been playing a one horse race for 10 years nobody in that league can touch them and its full of rejects that can not do it in the premier league. if the powers of both FAs let it happen and celtic and rangers come to play in england then they must start in the championship if anything just to see how they would get on. going in the premier league would not work they would need a better squad and players just to stay up the money side would help and the crowd they get but it would need 5 seasons of midtable or just staying up forget top 6 or even winning silverware you think the top 6 clubs would let it happen

but i did say about 3 or 4 years ago celtic and rangers need something even if its a new league before getting promoted to the premier league a mix of scottish and english teams. get the best of the championship and bottom half of the premier league and the top 6 from scotland and work from there. the top 2 teams get a place in the premier league and the bottom 2 get demoted back to there own leagues it would be a great league and tv would love it

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