U.S. launch air strikes against Syria

Trump is a breath of fresh air in the vile, mealy mouthed, sycophantic political world we live in....
You wearing a clothes peg on your nose?

....Assad may have taken the initial Trump stance of non involvement as a green light to push his luck. If this is so Assad has made a grave miscalculation and even put his support from Russia at risk.

Needless to say because its Trump there will be all kinds of bollocks spouted and conspiracies popping up.

I am not a huge fan of Trump but if American would certainly have voted for him rather than Billary. There are now people bleating on about Trump being a hypocrite having said he would not get involved in Syria. The Use of chemical weapons and against civilians left Trump morally obliged to act.

Obama says using chemical weapons is a red line. Parliament says we're not getting involved, and he can't carry the Republican congress, so nothing happens - until Trump gets in on a policy of non-involvement, and (if he did) Assad then uses chemical weapons. It's not just hypocrisy - it's retaliation for the very thing you've said you wouldn't retaliate over.

Pentagon saying complete success with all targets hit but alsobeing reportes 9 civillians dead including children
So to save the village we had to destroy it?

What the actual fuck!

There's been some shockers on this forum, naturally with so many posters, but you should be ashamed.

What? The idea that someone just wanted an excuse for military action? Vietnam War - Gulf of Tonkin?

Well if not I apologise, mistaken identity.

Whatever Trump's motivations he's still done more than any other western leader, more than Obama, more than Merkel, more than Cameron, more than Hollande, more than fucking anyone.

At worst it was a start.

Someone probably said that when Archduke Ferdinand was assassinated. At best it was an end. At worst, you have no idea.
What part is fake?

No dead children?

It wasn't the Syrian Government?

Trump is coordinating the whole thing with Russia?

All of the above is bollocks and I've seen all of those questioned on Twitter today.

It was an emotional decision, of which was the correct one.
Wholly incorrect, it was the opposite of that. In fact it was a very carefully calculated decision. I do not disagree with it by the way. But you need to consider how this was happening while Drumpf was having dinner at his golf course with the Chinese president talking about N Korea at the same time this was happening. It also was an opportunity to have a pop at Obama given the 'red line' quote that Obama used and failed to uphold. It also provided him with a nice opportunity to distance himself from the Russian puppet accusations that have emerged about him. And of course, there is the travel ban he still wants. If he is so emotionally moved as to make this decision, how does that same emotion that is affected/outraged by dead babies leave him when it comes to having the chance to offer babies who are still alive asylum and refugee status in the US?
So to save the village we had to destroy it?

Not sure why you quoted one sentance in a 3 paragraph comment.

I don't agree with the air strike without proof from an investigation so no I wouldn't save the village by destroying it, I wouldn't have bombed it in the first place.

What's disheartening is the morning papers like the guardian trying to smudge the obvious question in all this, if Assad is winning and america had indicated they were happy to let him stay in power, why would he provoke an attack on himself with a CW attack?
This entire political theatre has done literally nothing to harm the Russia relationship, because it was ALWAYS based on Trumps own financial self-interests and those of his close friends, NOT U.S. geopolitical interests.

As for Trump & Putin, it is not a relationship of equals as much as it is a relationship built on "you know me and my financial interests, and I have helped a few of your buddies launder money through my companies in America, so let's not fuck it up for either of us." Sadly for Trump, Putin's real wealth is of such a greater magnitude that Trump may soon be considered a bug on his windshield, IF he doesn't straighten up and get with the program! THAT might be a cause for geopolitical concern down the line.

The other thing it makes me ponder is whether the Jew or the anti-Semite is winning the battle for Trump's ear and thus empty head. From the cheap seats, it appears the Jew is winning...but then he married the daughter-wife and the anti-Semite just created his propaganda machine, and he doesn't need that as much anymore.

"The Jew" huh?

That's the problem with them Jews, always conspiratorially standing behind figures of power in an organised attempt to subvert them into their will including bombing Syria now. And obviously tied up in his business interests because they're all into wielding that financial power.
This entire political theatre has done literally nothing to harm the Russia relationship, because it was ALWAYS based on Trumps own financial self-interests and those of his close friends, NOT U.S. geopolitical interests.

As for Trump & Putin, it is not a relationship of equals as much as it is a relationship built on "you know me and my financial interests, and I have helped a few of your buddies launder money through my companies in America, so let's not fuck it up for either of us." Sadly for Trump, Putin's real wealth is of such a greater magnitude that Trump may soon be considered a bug on his windshield, IF he doesn't straighten up and get with the program! THAT might be a cause for geopolitical concern down the line.

The other thing it makes me ponder is whether the Jew or the anti-Semite is winning the battle for Trump's ear and thus empty head. From the cheap seats, it appears the Jew is winning...but then he married the daughter-wife and the anti-Semite just created his propaganda machine, and he doesn't need that as much anymore.
I was wondering who would be first to blame the Israelis but you've cut right through the crap to go straight to blaming the Jews. Shame you couldn't have waited a few days as it's Adolph's birthday on the 20th.
Wholly incorrect, it was the opposite of that. In fact it was a very carefully calculated decision. I do not disagree with it by the way. But you need to consider how this was happening while Drumpf was having dinner at his golf course with the Chinese president talking about N Korea at the same time this was happening. It also was an opportunity to have a pop at Obama given the 'red line' quote that Obama used and failed to uphold. It also provided him with a nice opportunity to distance himself from the Russian puppet accusations that have emerged about him. And of course, there is the travel ban he still wants. If he is so emotionally moved as to make this decision, how does that same emotion that is affected/outraged by dead babies leave him when it comes to having the chance to offer babies who are still alive asylum and refugee status in the US?

Very good post to be fair.

The refugee thing can be argued that there's still a huge terror risk and whilst he wants to help the innocents, he's not willing to put American lives at risk.

I did actually say to my mate yesterday that the whole thing was, if planned, genius by Trump. It killed 3 birds with 1 stone (well 59 rockets).

I genuinely do believe it was risky though and emotion played a part.
I was wondering who would be first to blame the Israelis but you've cut right through the crap to go straight to blaming the Jews. Shame you couldn't have waited a few days as it's Adolph's birthday on the 20th.

It's all an Israeli/Jewish conspiracy don't you know! They're behind everything from this latest Syrian conflict to that time City ran out of chips.

Can't wait for Ken Livingtsone's view on the Syrian situation.

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