Getting a dog and picking up

Somehow my family have managed to acquire a dog, against my best wishes I should add (I was outvoted 3-1). Quick question for all you dog types out there, at what point will he stop pissing in the house and trying to destroy all my possessions? Thanks in advance.

They can only hold themselves for 1 hour per month of age until they develop the muscles to hold it.
They will need a pee after food, sleep, playing pretty much anything and males are worse due to scent marking.
Let them out to pee after any of these things and tell it to go pee, give plenty of praise and a treat when it does as you ask.
Never bollock them after the event, dogs live in the moment - if you shout at them minutes after the event they won’t understand what you’re on about, if you see it in the act quickly pick it up and put it on the grass to pee and give it plenty of praise and use a key word like wee wee’s “good boy/girl, wee wee’s”, then a treat for being good and going wee wee’s in the garden.
Avoid puppy pads for peeing on indoors (unless you really have to use them) it’s confusing to wee on these and on the lawn, they prefer one or the other and grass is the way to go long term, you will have to train to use the pads then untrain them to go outside for the rest of their life.
Never rub their nose in it, that’s just fucking sick.
Take it for walks regularly to encourage peeing outdoors and to empty its bladder. Walkies is the key to a well behaved dog, no walkies and the dog will toilet in the house more and chew through boredom.
Chewing is due to teething, it’s impossible to prevent although you can buy a spray to put on things that tastes foul, again it will just grow out of it.
Don’t leave things lying about to chew, furniture is unavoidable.
I hope you’ve bought a breed after some research to ensure it suits you and your family’s lifestyle! If you’ve bought one because it’s cute you will probably have to live with some unexpected/unwanted breed traits.
Other than that be patient and love it every day, one day they will break your heart. Until then you will adjust and have a true companion. There’s a reason they’re man’s best friend and women have diamonds as theirs. Good luck. Woof.
Somehow my family have managed to acquire a dog, against my best wishes I should add (I was outvoted 3-1). Quick question for all you dog types out there, at what point will he stop pissing in the house and trying to destroy all my possessions? Thanks in advance.

The pig's ear chewy thing's; puppy mat and a big mop for the floor, his paw's are going to be "massive". Oh and enjoy the experience it's over before you know it.
They can only hold themselves for 1 hour per month of age until they develop the muscles to hold it.
They will need a pee after food, sleep, playing pretty much anything and males are worse due to scent marking.
Let them out to pee after any of these things and tell it to go pee, give plenty of praise and a treat when it does as you ask.
Never bollock them after the event, dogs live in the moment - if you shout at them minutes after the event they won’t understand what you’re on about, if you see it in the act quickly pick it up and put it on the grass to pee and give it plenty of praise and use a key word like wee wee’s “good boy/girl, wee wee’s”, then a treat for being good and going wee wee’s in the garden.
Avoid puppy pads for peeing on indoors (unless you really have to use them) it’s confusing to wee on these and on the lawn, they prefer one or the other and grass is the way to go long term, you will have to train to use the pads then untrain them to go outside for the rest of their life.
Never rub their nose in it, that’s just fucking sick.
Take it for walks regularly to encourage peeing outdoors and to empty its bladder. Walkies is the key to a well behaved dog, no walkies and the dog will toilet in the house more and chew through boredom.
Chewing is due to teething, it’s impossible to prevent although you can buy a spray to put on things that tastes foul, again it will just grow out of it.
Don’t leave things lying about to chew, furniture is unavoidable.
I hope you’ve bought a breed after some research to ensure it suits you and your family’s lifestyle! If you’ve bought one because it’s cute you will probably have to live with some unexpected/unwanted breed traits.
Other than that be patient and love it every day, one day they will break your heart. Until then you will adjust and have a true companion. There’s a reason they’re man’s best friend and women have diamonds as theirs. Good luck. Woof.

The pig's ear chewy thing's; puppy mat and a big mop for the floor, his paw's are going to be "massive".

Ha, cheers fellas. Sage advice indeed, knew I could rely on Bluemoon.
Mine has diabetes, research the treats and food you intend feeding it, they’re loaded with sugars. I wouldn’t buy anything by pedigree, bakers etc.
It’s on the rise just like it is in humans. 10 years ago 1/500 had diabetes now it’s 1/200, just like our processed food is full of shite theirs is as well. I wish someone warned me about it all those years ago. It’s more prevalent in small dogs as well.
Google human foods which are poisonous to dogs like onions, tomatoes, garlic, chocolate.
Do they still do Poopa-Scoopas?
I imagine after a while carrying one around with you will soon get on your tits and probably fault in just using inside out bags anyway. The issue for me would be dog smell in the house. Very few people have dogs with their home not stinking. They are the people that are constantly cleaning house and dog. And then there the smell (and hairs) on your clothes too. Get yourself a rabbit at the end of the garden mate.
Do they still do Poopa-Scoopas?
I imagine after a while carrying one around with you will soon get on your tits and probably fault in just using inside out bags anyway. The issue for me would be dog smell in the house. Very few people have dogs with their home not stinking. They are the people that are constantly cleaning house and dog. And then there the smell (and hairs) on your clothes too. Get yourself a rabbit at the end of the garden mate.
My house and dog are cleaner than most people.

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