Aymeric Laporte

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It must be pretty ominous for our rivals. Chelsea look nowhere near good enough, United have Mourinho so that’s a problem for them, Arsenal are Arsenal, Spurs won’t spend money and Klopp can’t beat smaller that play a low-block.

Yep. Every season we hear the same thing "Next season won't be as easy, all the teams are strengthening", and every season there's always a few teams who just shit a brick and fuck everything up. That's before you consider that no team is within a mile of competing with us in a single transfer window. I don't see anyone challenging us next season or truthfully likely the season after that either. We would have to be one of said 'shit a brick' teams for that to happen.
I shouldn't let it annoy me. But I am getting sick of reading posts by fans of other clubs about us that are utter nonsense. Read a lot of stuff on Newcastle sites last week too that was just utter bollocks. There seem to be dozens of very popular and very negative myths about City and our support at the moment that other fans just lap up and believe when even the slightest application of some logic would tell them that they're not true. Then again lots of football supporters are very very stupid people I suppose.
I totally understand what you are saying. I like to look at it this way, it was nice being everyone's "second favourite team" when we were crap. HOWEVER, to me, this is better. Being hated means they fear us and are envious of our success. We are doing something right. I love that other club's fans are afraid to play us.

Do I give a toss if some guy from North London, the Midlands, Singapore, Canada or wherever calls us names? Not really because he knows his team will likely be battered by us when we play each other.

Just my 2p. :)
Where has this notion that Laporte is slow come from? He’s as fast as Stones or Otamendi, and we’ve not had any problem with either. He’s not a Demichelis who’ll be continually exposed.
I think 'this slow notion' that's being banded about, can only be decribed as blatant Raggery. Ignore the fuckers! He's class and shit off a well oiled shovel. CTID
I think 'this slow notion' that's being banded about, can only be decribed as blatant Raggery. Ignore the fuckers! He's class and shit off a well oiled shovel. CTID

Difficult to gauge, but from what I have seen of him playing for Bilbao, he's faster than either Stones or Ottimendi.
For what it's worth, got a Spanish mate who follows Athletic as his second team, he says Laporte is brilliant.
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