Venezuela economy

The thread on the Yemen school bus attack in which children were killed - justifiable outrage - but only five pages in twelve days.
This thread on the state of a socialist economy in South America - eleven pages already since yesterday.
Says everything you need to know about the forum.
Sadly it reflects the same relative level of interest and coverage in the national media in the two topics
Maybe it’s because thread lengths are generally governed by differing opinions on a situation rather than the importance of it. We all know that this topic was started to stimulate another Capitalism v Socialism debate and it succeeded.
Listen, they didn't implement REAL Communism/socialism/Marxism. What they did instead could be better defined as socialism/Marxism/Communism - that's why it failed, everybody knows that if a real Marxist/Communist/socialist economy were to be tried then it would work. Those 300 other times just didn't do it properly.

Feel free to delete as appropriate.
This, and I'm assuming it's tongue in cheek, is exactly the type of response received from hardcore socialists/communists etc;
The system has proven to be not only flawed, but devastatingly so, time and time again, when the evidence finally becomes irrefutable,
what you say above is the stock answer. 'That's because the system I espouse hasn't been implemented properly,' although
this premise is equally flawed as it has been, in each and every case.
It's an ideal that can not and never has, delivered, yet we're seeing it being studied and championed by, you guessed it,
the young, understandable, as I and most of my peers were exactly the same then.
An oldie but goodie that describes socialism stills holds true, 'If you're not a socialist by the time you're 21, there is something
wrong with your heart, if you're still a socialist at 31 there's something wrong with your head.'
This, and I'm assuming it's tongue in cheek, is exactly the type of response received from hardcore socialists/communists etc;
The system has proven to be not only flawed, but devastatingly so, time and time again, when the evidence finally becomes irrefutable,
what you say above is the stock answer. 'That's because the system I espouse hasn't been implemented properly,' although
this premise is equally flawed as it has been, in each and every case.
It's an ideal that can not and never has, delivered, yet we're seeing it being studied and championed by, you guessed it,
the young, understandable, as I and most of my peers were exactly the same then.
An oldie but goodie that describes socialism stills holds true, 'If you're not a socialist by the time you're 21, there is something
wrong with your heart, if you're still a socialist at 31 there's something wrong with your head.'
China's economy's booming mate!
How much of this ‘disaster’ is due to economic sanctions placed by both the EU (supported by the U.K.) and the US?
How much of this ‘disaster’ is due to economic sanctions placed by both the EU (supported by the U.K.) and the US?

I'm no socialist but the US have done all they can to ensure the failure of socialist governments in central / south american countries. This all goes back to Cuba and the fact the US companies were not compensated for their assets that were nationalized after the revolution.

A tiny injustice in the grand scheme of things. The reality is these countries are dirt poor and have little external impact on global politics - why sanction them!
I'm no socialist but the US have done all they can to ensure the failure of socialist governments in central / south american countries. This all goes back to Cuba and the fact the US companies were not compensated for their assets that were nationalized after the revolution.

A tiny injustice in the grand scheme of things. The reality is these countries are dirt poor and have little external impact on global politics - why sanction them!

I think it is because of human rights issues. Perhaps more knowledgeable people on here might know.

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