PL charge City for alleged breaches of financial rules

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The action may just be a letter in anticipation of being cleared, the import of which will be “If you so much as hint that our exoneration is not kosher, we will be down on you like a ton of bricks.”
“It‘s a bad day for football“ is strictly verboten.
Alternatively, this may be a complete load of bollocks and the kangaroo court starts soon.
I'm just being skeptical until it's announced on our OS.
I have zero trust in these cunts.
It is possible we could be cleared, even before a hearing cos as 'we' all know these charges are absolute bollocks based on doctored hacked emails.
Even if Pep hinted we're gonna be cleared I still wouldn't get over excited until a official announcement.
Absolutely mate
Agreed. The hearing hasn’t even been held yet. Clearly bollocks.
The hearing may not have been held, but evidence disclosure between both parties will have long since taken place.

The crucial thing here is the courts prefer both sides to hammer out the parts they agree on so they can be removed from the pleadings. If both sides still can't reach a pre-hearing settlement, it's only then you attend court to argue the irreconcilable differences.

Now our hearing isn't a legal proceeding, but if the IC are Barristers, I assume they'll follow the accepted way disputes are conducted & resolved in law. It's done this way to save on court time & costs.

If a settlement can be reached prior to the court date & the burden of costs agreed, this generally suits everyone all round without the need for a costly, time-consuming hearing.

It's not beyond the realms of possibility that this is what's happened. Masters maybe a fuckin dick & patsy for the Red Top Mafia & Spuds, but I doubt he's that much of an arse as to come out in public & state:

"We can’t comment on the case, the date is set. The case will resolve itself at some point in the near future."

After being pressed on whether it would be “damaging” for City to be crowned champions of England for a second time since the matter was referred to an independent commission, Masters went on to say:

"It's not for football authorities to start selecting who they would like to win the league. The key point is that you’ve got that jeopardy until the final day. Who knows where we’ll be on May 19?"

It's my personal feeling that the IC has possibly let it be known that if this were in the Civil or Law Courts, the accusations would be thrown out considering the poor level of accusation evidence offered, & the irrefutable level of defence evidence offered.

Masters sounds like a man who just wanted a cushy job without all this bollocks, but who's now looking for an honourable way out without the PL losing face.

Too fuckin late dude. The Cartel Clubs allowed their utter hatred of City to get in the way of commonsense reality. This is their mess & it's up to them to get on their knees & clean it up.

They've accused City of mass fraud over an extended period of time in all but name & have fuck all provable evidence to back it up outside of their private members kangaroo court.

They've painted themselves into a corner, with no obvious way out. In this respect, the PL are no different to General Melchett in the case of Speckled Jim...

If it is to be a settlement, City will not be taking the pinch. The public comms are key. The PL will need to say that they instigated the 115 because they believed City were guilty, but the IC has looked at the evidence and cleared City of any financial wrong doing. The PL will want to say it was within their right to level the charges, but they fully support the findings by the IC. At the same time, the PL need to issue a cease and desist order to the media and people using social media. Any statements suggesting City's guilt could result in the relevant parties being sued by City and by the PL. After this announcement, Masters and Brittain to resign. Keith Chegwin will then be announced as Masters replacement. The new normal follows shortly thereafter.

P.s oh yes, any rioting by opposing fans will result in their club's expulsion from the PL.

Come on City we can do this!
If there is a climbdown then it might not be in City's interests to totally throw the PL under the bus. We are a leading member of the PL and won't want to damage its brand more than neccessary. I am sure that Masters will be thrown to the wolves though, not least because he has managed to alienate senior members of both the Government and Opposition and they are gunning for him. The new Regulator will be used as a way of starting to build bridges. Football is one of the UK's most important industries these days and there is a lot at stake for a lot of people.
If City are looking at Media or Individual libel they are going to struggle to lie and will need to move on very quickly, I doubt there pockets are deep enough for anything else.

All they have to do is want YouTube and All social media about there there members libelling our club! The media we can warn there organisation!
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