Raheem Sterling - Done - See main forum

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You really are coming across as a tedious tosser or a rag.

No-one gives a fuck what pundits, oppo managers and oppo fans think - they can all go fuck themselves. They all said that we wasted our money on Yaya - £24m for a defensive mid - how did that turn out.

i will stop posting now before I get verbally abused for having an opinion, or being called a rag again.

Thought a forum was for voicing your opinions, not for getting called and abused for having a different opinion to others.

The muppet has form for it. Never gets pulled either.

Dave_blue12 obviously.

Sorry wired, good try though petal.
ninjamonkey said:
You can't place a value on Sterling right now. You have to look at over the course of his career. This obviously isn't how it would go down in the accounts but this is the reality of the situation.. We're purchasing an asset who's expected useful life with us is at least 10 years and that's being prudent. Now ignoring any potential additional earnings or costs etc, at £40 million which most seemed happy with, that's £4 million a year over his useful life. increasing the offer to £50 million makes it £5 million a year. There's really not much difference.

With an agent who is happy to see him move clubs you would be very silly to look at his useful life as anything other than the length of his contract.
Part of it is our money, of course. We are helping to finance the deals with our 10% ish year on year rise in season card prices. Maybe fans, like myself , do not wish our club tarnished with the '£50m for Torres, he's shit' and '£35m for Carroll, he's shit' brush. No f'in way is Sterling worth £50m. There must surely be better and cheaper out there. If we don't get Pogba then what appears to be left on the table, if media is believed, is far from exciting and still at a huge cost. The world is mad, the football world is f'in crazy.
Name one that's home grown and has won the golden boy.

And no, none of it is your money.

You pay for entertainment, the club is neither fan owned nor a co-operative.

It's like complaining about the salary Vettel was on at red bull as you enjoy a red bull and vodka in the print works.
If it really hurts that much cancel your S/card. We've already had the stick for "Lescott, £26m, he's shit", it didn't work out too badly all things considered, did it?

My S/card was £25 cheaper, I must have fucked up the Pogba bid!

I love an informed, intelligent debate. Next!
Name one that's home grown and has won the golden boy.

And no, none of it is your money.

You pay for entertainment, the club is neither fan owned nor a co-operative.

It's like complaining about the salary Vettel was on at red bull as you enjoy a red bull and vodka in the print works.

I love an informed, intelligent debate. Next!

Try mine the.
How much do your think he is worth and why?

Can you name players that 'must' be out there who are young, English, full of potential, proven in this league and would get into our team?

I'd suggest there aren't any, that's why we are paying a premium and that is why he is worth it. We maybe the only bidder, but he's the only one out there as far as I can tell

If he's that good why are we the only one's bidding? Also anyone who put's their life at risk sucking Helium is a f'in thick c@nt.
My opinion is Nasri is frustrating as he is very inconsistent as his Yaya, but both have served us well.

With both. Sterling and De Bruyne we get the hunger back as well as pace.

Sterling certainly has pace but I'm not convinced by his ability on the ball. An upgrade on Navas but not hugely so in my opinion, though he still has time on his side to develop. De Bruyne looks quite good on the ball but fairly lack lustre when he doesn't have it (though I admit to having seen him only a few times).

They would clearly add something to the squad but I am not convinced either would really take us to the next level, domestically or in Europe. I hope I'm wrong though as we seem to be the favourites for both.
Sorry if already posted but daily mail is carrying a story he flew back from Ibiza by private jet.
Wonder why he'd do that or has some third party laid it on for him ?
Maybe some of our plane spotters could tell who thre plane belongs to from the reg ?
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