Refugee crisis

A Syrian child dies on the way to Turkey and we're being blamed? I'll tell you what you can do with that guilt...
There is a fair amount of waffle in this thread. This is what we're talking about;


A dead child. No jokes, no point scoring, no politics, no religion. A little boy is dead.

Thousands of little boys die every day for a variety of reasons.

If you need a picture to give a shit then you're part of the problem
A Syrian child dies on the way to Turkey and we're being blamed? I'll tell you what you can do with that guilt...

Is it rationally understand causality based on economic, political and historical analysis?

Somehow I doubt it
This is the most pertinent of all the posts I've read on here. The vast majority of these people are are Syrian, Turkey is a benign, secular state that has a population that is 98% muslim, with similar mores and values to their neighbour, Syria. It is a vast, beautiful country with, at present, a healthy economy, so to enter here and then frantically attempt to escape from Turkey suggests that once out of the war zone, people are then choosing Europe for the obvious reasons of it being far richer, and they know the infrastructure will care for them far better, understandable, but not acceptable as far as bona fide asylum is concerned.
When millions, perhaps hundreds of millions, from Africa, Ahghanistan etc; see that if they can just deposit themselves in a western country, the chances of removal being slight, these current numbers will seem trifling.
Heartbreaking though this is the Australian points system and processing off shore has resulted in a sharp decrease in the numbers attempting forced entry, it is inevitable that a similar system will be introduced through Europe eventually, to do otherwise would involve eventual economic collapse.

Many won't like this post, but it is true ....
Thousands of little boys die every day for a variety of reasons.

If you need a picture to give a shit then you're part of the problem

Yes but some people do need to see a picture to give a shit.

And no, Yaya Tony is not part of the problem.
Its absolutely true. If you need pictures to understand the reality of the horrors in the world then your lack of empathy is the issue

Your lack of empathy with people who take in and process information in a different way to you is interesting.

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