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Fucking hell that brings back memories. When the kids were still kids I was working 12 shifts and was getting home a couple of hours after the mrs had gone to work. I used to pick them up from the child minders and then have to make their tea and get them ready for bed. I couldn't put them to bed though, I had to wait until the mrs finished work and take them with me to pick her up(there was no busses when she finished).
I finally managed to settle down about 10.30pm and crack open a bottle of vodka. A couple of hours to sink a few and then the alarm would be going off at 6am.
Ha I gave that routine up thank god, only drink one night a week max now (was off it altogether for 15 months or so there) and rarely take it past 2 or 3. Having to get up for work in the morning with any kind of a hangover is a very fucking overrated habit :D
Ha I gave that routine up thank god, only drink one night a week max now (was off it altogether for 15 months or so there) and rarely take it past 2 or 3. Having to get up for work in the morning with any kind of a hangover is a very fucking overrated habit :D

I realised a few years ago that I was an alcoholic. They give you a questionnaire to fill in to gauge the depths of your depravity. The only box I ticked was the amount I drank and the frequency. I was a functioning alcoholic. I abstained for nearly two years before I fell off the wagon. It wasn't a dramatic fall from grace, but it was still a failure. I no longer drink every day, back then I used to drink the equivalent of 8 pints a day, every day without fail.No matter what time I finished work or got in the pub, I knocked back a gallon. In fact I think we worked out that apart from when I was in hospital or taking anti-biotics, I had done about 25 years of getting pissed every night. These days I drink about 3 or 4 days a week. Admittedly in larger quantities than the old 8 pint rule, but I can have nights or even a week or so off, which was something I never could have done a few years ago.
I realised a few years ago that I was an alcoholic. They give you a questionnaire to fill in to gauge the depths of your depravity. The only box I ticked was the amount I drank and the frequency. I was a functioning alcoholic. I abstained for nearly two years before I fell off the wagon. It wasn't a dramatic fall from grace, but it was still a failure. I no longer drink every day, back then I used to drink the equivalent of 8 pints a day, every day without fail.No matter what time I finished work or got in the pub, I knocked back a gallon. In fact I think we worked out that apart from when I was in hospital or taking anti-biotics, I had done about 25 years of getting pissed every night. These days I drink about 3 or 4 days a week. Admittedly in larger quantities than the old 8 pint rule, but I can have nights or even a week or so off, which was something I never could have done a few years ago.
Yeah I was heading towards that, especially with sleeping so little as I could quite easily crack a beer at 10 and still be drinking at 5 before getting up at 7 to go to work, happier away from that, neither of us want the kids growing up in an environment where alcohol is an everyday thing or a binging tool.
Yeah I was heading towards that, especially with sleeping so little as I could quite easily crack a beer at 10 and still be drinking at 5 before getting up at 7 to go to work, happier away from that, neither of us want the kids growing up in an environment where alcohol is an everyday thing or a binging tool.

The lack of sleep was my main excuse for drinking. I couldn't sleep unless I'd had a drink. It helps at first, but once you're an alcoholic you rarely sleep more than 4 or 5 hours. Your body wakes you up when the alcohol leaves your system. It needs another drink, and even if you don't realise it, its the reason you are awake .
Both my kids grew up with me drinking every day. Both of them drink, but very rarely. My drinking never affected them one bit. I never missed a days work through drink. I was never angry or abusive through drink. I never made a fool of myself through drink(at least not in front of the kids)
I didn't have a set time when I had to have a drink. Family and work commitments always came first.
When I went on the wagon, both of them were shocked. Not because I had stopped drinking, but because they didn't know I had a problem. I think my daughter(who is 33) was shocked the most that I was an alcoholic. She's a clever girl(Guy will attest to that) but she didn't click. Even though she had grown up with me drinking every day. She even learned to pour the perfect vodka and coke when she was still at school.
Not all alcoholics live up to their stereotype.
The lack of sleep was my main excuse for drinking. I couldn't sleep unless I'd had a drink. It helps at first, but once you're an alcoholic you rarely sleep more than 4 or 5 hours. Your body wakes you up when the alcohol leaves your system. It needs another drink, and even if you don't realise it, its the reason you are awake .
Both my kids grew up with me drinking every day. Both of them drink, but very rarely. My drinking never affected them one bit. I never missed a days work through drink. I was never angry or abusive through drink. I never made a fool of myself through drink(at least not in front of the kids)
I didn't have a set time when I had to have a drink. Family and work commitments always came first.
When I went on the wagon, both of them were shocked. Not because I had stopped drinking, but because they didn't know I had a problem. I think my daughter(who is 33) was shocked the most that I was an alcoholic. She's a clever girl(Guy will attest to that) but she didn't click. Even though she had grown up with me drinking every day. She even learned to pour the perfect vodka and coke when she was still at school.
Not all alcoholics live up to their stereotype.
Was kind of the same here, I could have the odd bad night here and there (mostly when out) where I'd go on major wind up after too many but could always get up and function etc, that's probably the most dangerous part.
Was kind of the same here, I could have the odd bad night here and there (mostly when out) where I'd go on major wind up after too many but could always get up and function etc, that's probably the most dangerous part.

Just got up after having a decent nights kip. It was interrupted by a potty break, but I must have had at least 8 hours. I haven't had that for years.

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