Armed forces initiations

Never saw any of this in my time in the forces, shocked me if I am honest. Hopefully everyone involved in this face lengthy prison sentences it's quite frankly disgusting.
I thought after the deep cut barracks scandal this kind of behaviour had been eradicated.
A new recruit has been stripped naked and had a gun barrel shoved up his backside in an raf barracks. It was filmed, with onlookers (including his co) laughing about it.
I lived at Deepcut twice as a Dad was in the Army. None of those stories/accusations surprise me
I spent 22 years in the RAF... saw some “initiations” but all light hearted and what I would class as banter e.g. being sent to the medical centre for fallopian tubing or to stores for a long weight (wait) ... I even did 3 years with the RAF Regiment at Honington but 1. I was a Sergeant by then and 2. I was working with Regiment guys who operated Rapier missile systems so not your typical “grunt”
I did see (and let's be honest here, was involved in) some 'initiation ceremonies' in the Forces but never anything like this.

It's an absolute disgrace and all involved should be kicked out of the RAF particularly any SNCO's who were involved.
I did see (and let's be honest here, was involved in) some 'initiation ceremonies' in the Forces but never anything like this.

It's an absolute disgrace and all involved should be kicked out of the RAF particularly any SNCO's who were involved.

This isnt initiation,its a despicable crime and a shameful act by a pack of bullies.I hope each and everyone is found,disgraced and sent to prison for a long time.

More than anything,i hope the victim manages to find a way to deal with his ordeal.
Have a look if you want to see how seriously RAF top brass are taking this. I think there was a Statement in parliament too

He had to say something like that
He couldn't come out.& say there has always been a bit of bullying in the armed forces but these lads went a bit too far
It is beyond belief that this shit still happens & people up the " chain of command" either don't no about it or just "Do a Nelson"
Top shelf is all the spirits together in a pint pot and down in one. I might add that at the time I witnessed it, I was in a bar In Fallingbostel, The Hackett Club, and spirits were pennies a shot, so the top shelf was all doubles. Fortunately never did it myself.
Remember years ago a Royal Marine had to do that after completing training & he died from alcohol poisoning
Not RAF or quite as related by my university’s football teams (men’s and women’s) managed to land themselves in deep shit (literally) when one of the initiations was to piss all over one of the women, and someone curled one out on her.

Fucking oddballs.
I'll reopen the thread in a while. Any reoccurrence of these so called "jokes" may result in warnings/threadbans.

Well said Jim, some of the so called jokes and making light of it was quite disturbing to say the least. It's that sort of mindset that means this shit carries on and on. Anyone who has done any sort of service will have witnessed or been subjected to some not pleasant stuff all dressed up as banter, part of being accepted, initiation ceremony, they can call it what they want. It is sadistic bullying and they know the victim of it daren't say anything as they will be ostracized or worse. I never saw anything this bad thankfully but a blind eye was turned to some stuff that crossed the line from a supposed bit of "fun."

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