Best butty

school dinners went to shit years ago when nutritionists got involved and their answer was to remove all seasonings and therefore taste. My late mam was a dinner lady - she was appalled at how food waster shot up as kids no longer liked it and even the dinner ladies who could "enjoy" their lunch with the unserved left overs in a post service get together. Food was tasteless and they all put their coats on and went home for their lunch which broke the team ethic ( important in kitchens ).

Also I love liver - mum did braised liver and bacon to die for. Most people who hate liver cite having it at school as their reason. At school it was a dry leather shoe soul you were served so I can see why.

I was in high school when Jamie Oliver ruined school dinners, they started serving chips without any salt who wants that, banned fizzy drinks and chocolate so I saw an opening as a young entrepreneur and would sell 15 cans a day and a bar of chocolate for a quid a pop haha. In primary school I had 2nds and 3rds some days easily, was never fat. His fight was with the wrong place it was at home where food went to shite and was super unhealthy.
I have simple tastes. A proper chip butty, lots of salt, pepper n vinegar and of course brown sauce is hard to beat.
I was in high school when Jamie Oliver ruined school dinners, they started serving chips without any salt who wants that, banned fizzy drinks and chocolate so I saw an opening as a young entrepreneur and would sell 15 cans a day and a bar of chocolate for a quid a pop haha. In primary school I had 2nds and 3rds some days easily, was never fat. His fight was with the wrong place it was at home where food went to shite and was super unhealthy.

Don't get me started on that - worked at home for about 30 years - always ended my day in the dining room catching up hand writing reports then latterly on line. I was about 10ft from a cooker, fridge and food cupboards. Made tea with fresh ingredients every night for the 4 of us. All this bollocks about fresh food being too dear - go look at the price of a frozen pizza or m/wave meal against a but of mice, some spuds, some pasta and the latter produces meals for best part of a week for cheaper. These "ping" food addicts are really too lazy and lack the skills so would rather watch The Chase than spend time in the kitchen. Cook a chicken on Sunday then strip the frame of all the meat and freeze in portions. Medium chicken is for Sunday - makes you a curry - then makes you a pie. Boil the frame and freeze that stock in portions you have the base of flavour for soups, gravy etc. I still make vats of tomato sauce for pasta - 10 cans value chopped toms at Lidl (less than 50p each ) one large onion - a garlic bulb - whatever mushrooms I have in whatever veg I have like carrots - any salad leaves looking a bit sad and just cook for yonks. Stick blender to puree it all then when cold portion it into sandwich bags and freeze. I do 20 bags at a time minimum. I worked in insurance and watched a few cookery shows - its about attitude and mind - if you want to well for yourself and family care what you eat and know whats in it and where it comes from.
All this bollocks about fresh food being too dear - go look at the price of a frozen pizza or m/wave meal against a but of mice, some spuds, some pasta and the latter produces meals for best part of a week for cheaper.

Yea, but you can only eat so much mice, no matter how cheap they are at the pet shop!

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