Biggest celebrity pr*ck you've met?

Ban-jani said:
Didi Hamann was top notch, I met him outside manc airport a few months ago, whilst he was having a cig outside.

We chatted for about 5-10 mins whilst my then girlfriend stood bemused as to who it was.

He was incredibly down to earth and said he still really wants City to do well, even though he said when they play Liverpool he slightly favours them.

I couldn't believe how friendly he was and how passionate he was about football and the project at City.

Our Kid knows Didi well - I've met him a few times - and he is a good guy.

I've met a number of "celebs" and none of them has worthy of being called a prick. Closest would be Phil Lewis when he was lead singer of a band called Girl, who were supposed to be supporting Kiss at Wembley Arena in 1980. He had a bit of a cold and kept going on about how much Benylin he'd drunk and how it was making him "sleepy, man". Anyhow, Girl pulled out of the second night's gig due to Phil's cold, which Gene Simmons certainly thought made Phil a prick: Simmons was very much of the show must go on mind.

Simmons, in fact refers to himself as an asshole and I'm sure plenty of people think that he is a prick but he was happy enough to chat to a bunch of nobodies who happened to be backstage at his gig.
mcfclovin88 said:
mcmanus said:
gordondaviesmoustache said:
I believe he's one of those hippty-hoppity chaps.

Hi I'm McManus.
Yeah I'm Method Man.
Ta ra.

Wu-Tang Clan ain't nuttin to fuck with.

Ah. Wu Tang that the place that does tip top beef in black bean sauce? Or is he Meterior Man's brother?
gordondaviesmoustache said:
This thread has descended into some sort of urban street-speak convention.

I'm sorry, I haven't met any celebrities. I've only stared and admired them from a distance.
Re: Biggest celebrity pr*ck you've met?gning

BoyBlue_1985 said:
kenzie115 said:
Franny Lee's Barrel Chest said:
Samir Nasri. He's a twat with the fans when he's not having to be nice like at signing sessions and the like. And he simply drives past people at carrington. Of course people are there to get autographs to sell but it doesn't stop the others stopping.

The same Samir Nasri that came over to the away end last night, gestured for a young lad to come to the edge of the pitch and handed him his shirt, thereby making his Christmas?


I think he's done a lot of maturing in the past 12 months, on and off the pitch.

What an absolutely stunning gesture by the guy. Really like that

I was massively impressed with Sammi on Tuesday night, what he did was superb.....
gordondaviesmoustache said:
This thread has descended into some sort of urban street-speak convention.
foetus said:
Have people misread the thread title? I believe it says celebrity. I haven't heard of most of these so called 'celebs'.
Candice Falzon is a dirty mare who thinks her shit doesn't stink,I was in the Clovelly Hotel when Sonny Bill shagged her in the trap 1 in the mens,half the pub had seen the footage before she reappeared.
She came back the next weekend and half the blokes in there asked her to accompany them to the bogs,the language on her would make a docker blush.
Warner should be washing his knob in Dettol,that parochial enough?.
John McEnroe. Was at the US Open one year and he must have been practicing on one of the outdoor courts as he was dressed in his gear. Anyway we waited by the entrance to the pavilion and people had pens, papers, tennis balls ready to be signed. He just walked past us all and said 'I don't do autographs'. My hubby was tempted to shout back 'You cannot be serious' :-)
I ended up getting Marat Safin's autograph, who went on to win the tournament that year.

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