Bradley Wiggins

He was given the exemptions for use. The problem here is whether the exemptions were valid. That is a problem for the regulators not the athlete. I have an injection for hay fever every year. It works a treat!
No rules were broken per se, but Wiggins has had four biographical books released, not one mention of his chronic asthma. I've done loads of reading on this over the weekend and the treatments he has received have been described as trying to crack a nut with a sledgehammer. Conventional methods of inhalers should have sufficed.

He's stinking the gaff out with his wiffy excuses. I give him 12 months until his legacy is in Amstrongesque tatters.

The issue is the timing of the TUE's and the total lack of transparency from Wiggins and Team Sky who have both tied themselves in knots with contradictions. Wiggins categorically stated in "My Time" he has never had a needle other than for immunisations and a drip for when he had the shits!! My Time was published after these TUE's.

Anyone notice that Dave Brailsford has been completely conspicuous by his absence/silence, the shithouse is getting his house in order before everything comes crashing down. The surprise is that the wider public are surprised (most on here are a cynical as me ha!), they're all at it, it's just that most of them are really good at covering their tracks.

Just wait until they bring Mo Farah down, another "asthmatic" who has recieved a TUE for the exact same drug as Wiggins!

EDIT: I forgot to mention about his hair as well. He's got really shit hair. Deserves everything he gets.
No rules were broken per se, but Wiggins has had four biographical books released, not one mention of his chronic asthma. I've done loads of reading on this over the weekend and the treatments he has received have been described as trying to crack a nut with a sledgehammer. Conventional methods of inhalers should have sufficed.

He's stinking the gaff out with his wiffy excuses. I give him 12 months until his legacy is in Amstrongesque tatters.

The issue is the timing of the TUE's and the total lack of transparency from Wiggins and Team Sky who have both tied themselves in knots with contradictions. Wiggins categorically stated in "My Time" he has never had a needle other than for immunisations and a drip for when he had the shits!! My Time was published after these TUE's.

Anyone notice that Dave Brailsford has been completely conspicuous by his absence/silence, the shithouse is getting his house in order before everything comes crashing down. The surprise is that the wider public are surprised (most on here are a cynical as me ha!), they're all at it, it's just that most of them are really good at covering their tracks.

Just wait until they bring Mo Farah down, another "asthmatic" who has recieved a TUE for the exact same drug as Wiggins!

EDIT: I forgot to mention about his hair as well. He's got really shit hair. Deserves everything he gets.
He was given the exemptions for use. The problem here is whether the exemptions were valid. That is a problem for the regulators not the athlete. I have an injection for hay fever every year. It works a treat!
You are Jamie Vardy and I claim my £10.
He was given the exemptions for use. The problem here is whether the exemptions were valid. That is a problem for the regulators not the athlete. I have an injection for hay fever every year. It works a treat!

He was also given his injections for an alleged allergy to pollen that isn't even found in Italy or France. Again, this allergy was so severe that he needed intramuscular corticosteroid injections? But now is the time we're finding out about the severity of his "condition". Blows the all "transparency" and his and Sky's holier than thou "we're clean always have always will be" rhetoric out of the sky!
I think the moral of the story is that TUE's need to be better regulated and more open, so you can't just get some dodgy doctor to sign off on something and then it's fine to take whatever you want and no one will ever find out about it or question you on it. The only reason anyone is raising any questions is because WADA were hacked, before that they were more than happy to accept his bullshit excuse for legalised doping
Well if the drugs " cured" his asthma it's a medical miracle!

this /\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\

asthma can not be cured and the drugs that help is a steroids base and is on ban list so you can only take it on medical grounds in a short space of time

i was a very good footballer and fast winger when young but asthma stopped me taking it to the next level i was that bad i needed 2 of the inhalers 3 times day the brown and blue type and i just could not play without them its was like a breath of fresh air taking it you could feel great for a small space of time but the more you used the inhalers the feeling got shorter and shorter and you start to use them as a quick fix and that is the problem

asthma back then when i was playing sports was the unknown and am talking about only 30 years ago the quick fix was fine just use it when needed was the advise but now am coming up to my 50th and about 5 years ago my eyes started to play up bleeding in both eye's and floaters and my vision was shot and 4 operations and cataracts in both eye's it even had the doctors baffled to why my eye's was in a shocking stage and they come up with a verdict that it could be down to over use of inhalers steroids the back of my eyes was like a 70 year old
It's the rules that are wrong. Do not allow any TUEs. If you have a condition that prevents you from competing then tough shit. Sure, it's not your fault you've got asthma but then it's not any of the paralympians' faults that they're unable to compete in mainstream sports either. It's just tough shit.

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