Champions League Coefficients - are they fair?

One thing the quarters show us is that all this talk about the demise of the Premier League and clubs from emerging European nations "having more technique" were a little premature.

Predictably, seven of the eight quarter finalists are from the top the European leagues 3:2:2 Spain:Germany:England.

Equally predictably, none are from Italy.
Loukas said:
All we need is one lucky season when we draw Benfica/Porto in pot 1, finish top of our group get a lucky draw in the quarters, then we might gain enough points to jump into pot one and take advantage of the corrupt system!
That's when they will change it. I personally think it should be a free for all, everyone in the hat and get drawn.
Blue Maverick said:
Loukas said:
All we need is one lucky season when we draw Benfica/Porto in pot 1, finish top of our group get a lucky draw in the quarters, then we might gain enough points to jump into pot one and take advantage of the corrupt system!
That's when they will change it. I personally think it should be a free for all, everyone in the hat and get drawn.
gordondaviesmoustache said:
One thing the quarters show us is that all this talk about the demise of the Premier League and clubs from emerging European nations "having more technique" were a little premature.

Predictably, seven of the eight quarter finalists are from the top the European leagues 3:2:2 Spain:Germany:England.

Equally predictably, none are from Italy.
Talk of technique deciding results is usually tosh, but the Premiership is not particularly strong this year. Nor is the Italian league particularly weak. Juventus would have a good chance against City and Chelsea, and would beat Arsenal and United. Napoli were very unlucky to not go through.

I think 5 years is personally too long, but I don't see why people are complaining so much. Dortmund started out as 4th seeds and have managed to be very successful despite getting hard groups. If you want to be the best then you have to beat everyone.
aguero93:20 said:
Blue Maverick said:
Loukas said:
All we need is one lucky season when we draw Benfica/Porto in pot 1, finish top of our group get a lucky draw in the quarters, then we might gain enough points to jump into pot one and take advantage of the corrupt system!
That's when they will change it. I personally think it should be a free for all, everyone in the hat and get drawn.


Not for me. I want to see the best play the best as late as possible not a glorified Euro FA Cup
Blue Maverick said:
Loukas said:
All we need is one lucky season when we draw Benfica/Porto in pot 1, finish top of our group get a lucky draw in the quarters, then we might gain enough points to jump into pot one and take advantage of the corrupt system!
That's when they will change it. I personally think it should be a free for all, everyone in the hat and get drawn.

What he said.

However if they did do the draw like that I think we all know the group city would get.....Bayern, real, barca, city :D
Cobwebcat said:
aguero93:20 said:
Blue Maverick said:
That's when they will change it. I personally think it should be a free for all, everyone in the hat and get drawn.


Not for me. I want to see the best play the best as late as possible not a glorified Euro FA Cup

Well, you got your wish. Including the rags who favour themselves to win it.

Honestly, can't you see this system has been another tric by the big names in football to make sure of the CL-income? Have you or anyone asked themselves why our owner needed to invest so much money to just try and get in the top of the PL, let alone the CL? And having such wealth was exactly what these big names in football did not expect to happen. When it did, up came the FFPR ...

CL has ruined football in several leagues. Spain 2 clubs, France 1 (unless Monaco keeps spending), Germany 1, Italy 1, and on a smaller scale Greece 1, Austria 1, Portugal 2, Holland 1 ... so where exactly is the excitment? England used to have their top 4 (hince the fact that in those days the FA of the big leagues were afforded 4 places, see the pattern???). And we managed to upset that cosy little 4. Not for 1 season, but for ever. And people still blame us we destroyed football. Whatever.
eversince 76 said:
Cobwebcat said:
aguero93:20 said:


Not for me. I want to see the best play the best as late as possible not a glorified Euro FA Cup

Well, you got your wish. Including the rags who favour themselves to win it.

Honestly, can't you see this system has been another tric by the big names in football to make sure of the CL-income? Have you or anyone asked themselves why our owner needed to invest so much money to just try and get in the top of the PL, let alone the CL? And having such wealth was exactly what these big names in football did not expect to happen. When it did, up came the FFPR ...

CL has ruined football in several leagues. Spain 2 clubs, France 1 (unless Monaco keeps spending), Germany 1, Italy 1, and on a smaller scale Greece 1, Austria 1, Portugal 2, Holland 1 ... so where exactly is the excitment? England used to have their top 4 (hince the fact that in those days the FA of the big leagues were afforded 4 places, see the pattern???). And we managed to upset that cosy little 4. Not for 1 season, but for ever. And people still blame us we destroyed football. Whatever.
I am not sure you know what you are talking about. How does Holland have only one team? Champions League money is one of the few things that can actually save German football and in time turn Schalke and Dortmund into top forces. Since when has England historically had a top 4 and who exactly are these top 4? You seem to have been listening to Sky too much. Have you forgotten Leeds and Newcastle in the last 20 years or so? Spain currently has 3 teams challenging for the title and CL football is not the problem, but rather the way they divide up TV money. Juventus rose back to the top of Italian football spending relatively nothing. It was brilliant management that they assembled one of the best midfields in the world for under 10 million pounds.

Whether draws are reworked or not I find it funny how everyone here looks at the Dortmund, City, Ajax and Madrid group as a way to keep the established teams at the top. Didn't Madrid the top seeds, the Spanish Champions just get a group from hell? If anyone has a right to complain it should have been Madrid.
I know the majority would like to go back to the days of Hamburg v Malmo in the final but if they got their wish I think they would moan about the standard of the final.

Bosman plus money plus CL equals the best teams in the World playing each other and now we are part of it.

I don't agree with the seeding system but the Champions League is hugely superior to the old European Cup IMHO.

Yes it's all about money. It's the way of the World.

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