Doesn't seem right anymore..

It all depends on the dream lol. Since I took early retirement I still have dreams I'm at work on occasion. Anybody else still do that?
Retired 20 years and still have that one
And the unprepared exam one
And worst of all
The one where I’m stark bollock naked in a car park and can’t find the car.
Retired 20 years and still have that one
And the unprepared exam one
And worst of all
The one where I’m stark bollock naked in a car park and can’t find the car.

Yes it's an odd one. The dream is usually things are going wrong and I'm trying to sort it out. I also have dreams where I know I've retired but I'm kind of helping out. This one is funny as all my sea survival and boat handling tickets have expired so we're both breaking the law by me working. No naked dreams yet lol.
I can’t sleep lately. Went to my fart sack on friday night saying I hope I sleep in. Got up at 6am. Same thing the next day.
My alarm is set for 5:45am during the week but I just get up at 5:30 because I’m sick of lying there awake.
Might have to roofy myself this weekend.
sounds like a caffeine allergy.
give that shit up and you'll sleep like a dead person.

either that or you have some real life issues you aren't dealing with,
so that as soon as you wake up your brain immediately switches to the worries,
instead of dwelling happily on the dreams you just had.

sleep is the most important part of being alive.
sleep is when the body fixes up all the damage we did that day.
Fuck that's a bit extreme I use Temazepam.
i once lived in a squat for 6months next door to another squat.
in the other squat lived a girl called joy.
she was gorgeous but the opposite of joy.

her mum worked in the temazepam factory in scotland.
i can't remember very much about that time in life.

jellies, we called them.
the outer coating was made from cow's intestines,
so we just used to bite into them, suck the juice & spit out the shell.
I retired 3 years ago after 26 years on nights and can’t stop dreaming as tho I’m still at work. Does that make me a sad fucker.

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