Embarrassing drunken experiences

Big Swifty

Well-Known Member
8 Nov 2011
We've all got heroically drunk from time to time, but some experiences we look back on with embarrassment. A couple of mine I'd rather forget were firstly one when I was old enough to have known better. I had about seven or eight pints at lunchtime one time just before Christmas, was driven home and then threw up down the bog and flushed it away. Too late, I realised I hadn't taken my dentures out and they had disappeared into the sewers with the rest of the detritus. I was dreading a gummy Christmas, but managed to find a dentists who could make me a set at short notice. It was embarrassing, though, cos the receptionist was one of my adult students and I had to explain how I came to be denture-free.
The other time I was much younger, so I had an excuse. A "friend" kept filling me up in a Paris hotel with strong export Guinness until I had to vomit it all away in the gents amid loud groans. It was my worst experience to that date, especially when the waiter came in and asked me to stop spewing so noisily as it was putting the diners off their food. I literally could not touch a drop of Guinness for at least 30 years after that, so ill was I.
I still blush at the thought of these.
SORRY - should be in Off Topic.....
threw up in my mates mums clean washing basket after clubbing needless to say they wernt impressed
That horrific moment when you see your texts and watsapp’s to various females the next morning
Puked at my mates house and it stained the wallpaper.
Pissed in my bedroom bin.
Fell asleep on the pavement and got a police escort to my hostel in Cairns.
Passed out at side of a nightclub dancefloor after puking everywhere after 3 rapid triple vodkas on NYE.
Puked all over my grandads rug after 4 Old Toms aged 18

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